Bootstrap FreeKB - Jinja - Sort a Dictionary
Jinja - Sort a Dictionary

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sort is a Jinja filter that can be used to:

Take for example the following.

{% set dict={"foo": "hello", "bar": "world"} %}

<br /><br />

Original Dictionary: 
{{ dict }}

<br /><br />

Unsorted Dictionary:
<br />
{% for key, value in dict.items() %}
key = {{ key }}
<br />
value = {{ value }}
<br />
{% endfor %}

<br /><br />

Sorted Dictionary:
<br />
{% for key, value in dict.items() | sort %}
key = {{ key }}
<br />
value = {{ value }}
<br />
{% endfor %}

<br /><br />

Sorted Dictionary in Reverse Order:
<br />
{% for key, value in dict.items() | sort(reverse=true) %}
key = {{ key }}
<br />
value = {{ value }}
<br />
{% endfor %}


Something like this should be returned. Notice that with the unsorted dictionary, the "foo" key precedes the "bar" not, thus not sorted alphabetically. With the sorted dictionary, the "bar" key precedes the "foo" key, thus the output is sorted alphabetically.

Original Dictionary: {'foo': 'hello', 'bar': 'world'}

Unsorted Dictionary:
key = foo
value = hello
key = bar
value = world

Sorted Dictionary:
key = bar
value = world
key = foo
value = hello

Sorted Dictionary in Reverse Order:
key = foo
value = hello
key = bar
value = world


And here is another example that uses attribute to sort the list.

{% set my_list = [{'fruit': 'orange', 'veggy': 'pepper'}, {'veggy': 'tomato', 'fruit': 'apple'}] %}

Original my_list: 
{{ my_list }}
<br /><br />

<br />
{% for dict in my_list %}
   {% for key, value in dict.items() %}
      {% if key == "fruit" %}
      value = {{ value }}
      <br />
      {% endif %}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

<br />

<br />
{% for dict in my_list | sort(attribute="fruit") %}
   {% for key, value in dict.items() %}
      {% if key == "fruit" %}
      value = {{ value }}
      <br />
      {% endif %}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


Something like this should be returned. Looping through my_list, the output is sorted based on the value of the "fruit" key in each dictionary.

Original my_list: [{'fruit': 'orange', 'veggy': 'pepper'}, {'veggy': 'tomato', 'fruit': 'apple'}]

value = orange
value = apple

value = apple
value = orange


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