Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Remove duplicates from a list
Ansible - Remove duplicates from a list

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

Let's say you have a list that contains duplicates. In this example, the fruits lists contains "apple" three times. unique can be used to remove duplicates from a list.

- hosts: localhost
      - apple
      - banana
      - apple
      - orange
      - apple
      - grapes
  - debug:
      var: fruits

  - name: remove duplicates
      fruits: "{{ fruits | unique }}"

  - name: fruits list with duplicates removed
      var: fruits


Something like this should be returned.

ok: [localhost] => {
    "fruits": [

TASK [remove duplicates] 
ok: [localhost]

TASK [fruits list with duplicates removed] 
ok: [localhost] => {
    "fruits": [


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