Bootstrap FreeKB - Cisco IOS - Transfer config files between a Cisco router or switch using an FTP server
Cisco IOS - Transfer config files between a Cisco router or switch using an FTP server

Updated:   |  Cisco IOS articles

When configuring a Cisco router or switch, a variety of things can be configured:

  • Hostname
  • Message of the day (MOTD)
  • IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway

Instead of manually configuring a router a switch, configuration files can be transferred between routers and switches. For example, let's say we have a router or switch that is already configured. We can create a file that contains the configuration of the router or switch, and then send the configuration file to an FTP server.

  1. On the already configured router or switch, use the copy running-config ftp command to open an FTP connection to an FTP server
  2. When prompted, enter the name or IP address of the FTP server: Address or name of remote host []?
  3. When prompted to enter the destination filename, you can press Enter to use the default filename: Destination filename [example-config]?

Now that the example-config file is on the FTP server, the new router or switch can download the example-config file from the FTP server.

  1. On the new router or switch, use the copy ftp running-config command to open an FTP connection to an FTP server
  2. When prompted, enter the name or IP address of the FTP server: Address or name of remote host []?
  3. When prompted for the source filename, type the source file: Source filename []? example-config
  4. When prompted for the destination filename, press enter to use the default filename: Destination filename [running-config]?

The new router or switch should display the download:

example-confg...Loading example-config from !
[OK - 785 bytes]785 bytes copied in 0 secs
R2#%SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console



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