Bootstrap FreeKB - Kong Community Edition (KongCE) - Start Stop Restart Kong
Kong Community Edition (KongCE) - Start Stop Restart Kong

If Kong is running on docker, refer to Kong - Docker container command line for the steps on how to issue commands in the Kong Docker container.

Use the ps command to determine if Kong is running. If there are Kong processes, like this, Kong is running.

ps -ef | grep -i kong
. . .
    1 kong      0:00 nginx: master process /usr/local/openresty/nginx/sbin/nginx -p /usr/local/kong -c nginx.conf
   22 kong     48:05 nginx: worker process
   23 kong      2:12 nginx: worker process
   24 kong      2:06 nginx: worker process
   25 kong     14:27 nginx: worker process
   50 kong      0:00 sh
   66 kong      0:00 ps -ef
   67 kong      0:00 grep -i kong


Use the kong stop command to stop Kong.

kong stop -c /path/to/kong.conf


Use the kong start command to start Kong.

kong start -c /path/to/kong.conf


Use the kong restart command to restart Kong.

kong restart -c /path/to/kong.conf


Use the kong reload command to reload Kong.

kong reload -c /path/to/kong.conf


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