There are two similiar but distinct filters that can be used to escape literal or special characters.
- regex_escape (this article)
- urlencode
regex_escape can be used to escape literal characters in a string. In this example, fo.o contains the literal period character.
- hosts: localhost
- name: encode special characters
msg: "{{ 'fo.o' | regex_escape }}"
Which should return the following. Notice the period is now escaped with two back slashes.
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "fo\\.o"
Let's say a variable named "foo" contains a value of fo*o. Notice the wildcard character.
- hosts: localhost
- name: encode special characters
msg: "{{ 'fo*o' | regex_escape }}"
Which should return the following. Notice the wildcard is escaped with two back slashes.
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "fo\\*o"
Let's say you are doing a regular expression search that contains wildcards, like this.
when: "foo is not regex ('01 00 * * * /path/to/')"
Sometimes, you may just want to do something like this. In this example, the wildcard characters are wrapped in brackets.
when: "foo is not regex ('01 00 [*] [*] [*] /path/to/')"
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