Bootstrap FreeKB - CKEditor - Add character count
CKEditor - Add character count

Updated:   |  CKEditor articles


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February 16 2018 by Rajesh
Really helpful.

February 16 2018 by Jeremy (moderator)
I am glad it was helpful. Thanks Rajesh!

December 06 2018 by priya
It didnt work for me. Followed all the steps

January 23 2020 by Kamakhya Pandey
after using wordcount and character count plugin . i an unable to copy and paste in ckeditor.

January 23 2020 by Jeremy (moderator)
I often have the same issue, where attempting to add something causes problems with the editor. Hopefully the developers address this issue and come out with an easier and less error prone modification procedure. I tend to just have to do a lot of frustrating code changes until I somehow get the editor to do what I want it to do.

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