Bootstrap FreeKB - Docker - List secrets using the docker secret ls command
Docker - List secrets using the docker secret ls command

Updated:   |  Docker articles

A secret is a file that contains sensitive data, such as a password.

This assumes you have installed Docker on Linux and Docker is running. The docker secret ls command will list the secrets that have been created.

docker secret ls


Which will return something like this.

ID                          NAME               DRIVER        CREATED             UPDATED
pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7   my_secret                        14 months ago       14 months ago
g6ab3l6qr9w5lt8puu3f971f5   foobar                           7 months ago        7 months ago
oxp56zzcssvptzdk214qv22l5   another_example                  5 months ago        5 months ago


If you know the ID of the secret, the -f or --filter option can be used to list the secret, like this.

docker secret ls --filter "id=pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7"
. . .
ID                          NAME               DRIVER        CREATED             UPDATED
pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7   my_secret                        14 months ago       14 months ago


If you know the name of the secret, the -f or --filter option can be used to list the secret, like this.

docker secret ls --filter "name=my_secret"
. . .
ID                          NAME               DRIVER        CREATED             UPDATED
pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7   my_secret                        14 months ago       14 months ago

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