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Docker articles

Authentication get auth_token using REST API CMD Run a command in a container using the docker exec command Run a command in a container using the docker run command containers Add user to a container using the useradd or adduser command Copy file between container and host using the docker cp command Delete a container using the docker rm command Display container details using the docker inspect container command List containers using the docker container ls command List processes using the docker ps command Present working directory Rename a container using the docker rename command Restart a container using the docker restart command Start a container using the docker start command Stop a container using the docker stop command docker compose docker-compose version command install docker-compose on Linux docker run command Append entries to the /etc/hosts file in a container using the docker run --add-host command Assign a name to a container using the docker run --name command Assign an IP address to a container using the docker run --ip command Assign DNS servers to a container using the docker run --dns command Choose the network that the container will use using the docker run -n or --network command Create or start a container without IPv6 Define environment variables in a container using the docker run -e or --env command Define the hostname of a container using the docker run -h or --hostname command Get an interactive shell into a container using the docker run -it or --interactive and -t or --tty commands Getting Started with the docker run command Open ports in a container using the docker run -p or --publish command Remove container using the docker run --rm command Restart a container using the docker run --restart option Run container in background using the docker run --detach command Dockerfile Build an image using a Dockerfile Define environment variables in Dockerfile using ENV EXPOSE ports in Dockerfile Run a command using CMD in Dockerfile Run as using USER in Dockerfile Events docker events command images Create a new image from existing image using the docker commit command Create your first Hello World container image Delete an image using the docker rmi command Display image details using the docker image inspect command docker search command Download an image using the docker pull command List images using the docker images command Pull an image and create a container using the docker create command Push an image to Docker Hub Tag an image using the docker tag command Upload an image to a registry using the docker push command Images Remove unused containers images volumes using the docker system prune command Install Install Docker on Linux Install Docker on Linux Red Hat Install Docker on Windows uninstall Docker on Linux CentOS Login Log into Docker Hub using the docker login command Logs docker logs command Networking connect a container to a network using the docker network command Create a network using the docker network create command Delete a network using the docker network rm command Delete a network using the docker network rm command Display network details using the docker network inspect command List networks using the docker network ls command registry display images in a private registry using REST API Install a Docker Registry root directory Set Docker root directory using root-data in daemon.json Secrets delete secret using REST API Delete secrets using the docker secret rm command docker secret create command docker secret inspect command list secrets using REST API List secrets using the docker secret ls command list secrets using the Docker Universal Control Panel Services Delete services using the docker service rm command Inspect service using the docker service inspect command List services using the docker service ls command Restart service using the docker service scale command Stack Create stacks using the docker stack deploy command Delete stacks using the docker stack rm command docker restart stack service List services in a stack using the docker stack services ls command List stacks using the docker stack ls command Start Stop Restart start stop restart Docker on Linux Swarm docker swarm init command Troubleshooting Resolve "EACCES permission denied" Resolve "error while creating mount source path" Resolve "failed to create Cloudwatch log stream: NoCredentialProviders" Resolve "MariaDB Connector/Python requires MariaDB Connector/C" Resolve "mkdir cannot create directory permission denied" Version docker version command Volumes (storage) Create a volume using the docker volume command Mount a file or directory in a container using the docker run -m or --mount command Mount a file or directory in a container using the docker run -v or --volume command