Bootstrap FreeKB - Docker - Rename a container using the docker rename command
Docker - Rename a container using the docker rename command

Updated:   |  Docker articles

This assumes you have installed Docker on Linux and Docker is running.

A Docker image contains the code used to create a Docker container, such as creating a Nginx web server, or a mySQL server, or a home grown app, and the list goes on. In this way, an image is like a template used to create a container. An image is kind of like a virtual machine, but much more light weight, using significantly less storage a memory (containers are usually megabytes in size).

The docker container ls command will return the list of containers.

docker container ls


Which will return something like this. If the container was created but not yet started, the status of the container will be "created".

CONTAINER ID     IMAGE              COMMAND                 CREATED         STATUS     PORTS     NAMES
d937372c09ab9    b939aa938add9913   "/docker-entrypoin..."  6 minutes ago   Created              my-container


The docker rename command can be used to rename a container. Here is how you would rename my-container to my-container-old.

docker rename my-container my-container-old


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