Bootstrap FreeKB - Docker - docker secret inspect command
Docker - docker secret inspect command

Updated:   |  Docker articles

A secret is a file that contains sensitive data, such as a password.

Let's say the docker secret ls command returns the following.

ID                          NAME               DRIVER        CREATED             UPDATED
pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7   my_secret                        14 months ago       14 months ago
g6ab3l6qr9w5lt8puu3f971f5   foobar                           7 months ago        7 months ago
oxp56zzcssvptzdk214qv22l5   another_example                  5 months ago        5 months ago


The docker secret inspect command can be used to view a secret. In this example, the secret with ID pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7 is inspected.

docker secret inspect pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7


In this example, the secret named my_secret is inspected.

docker secret inspect my_secret


If the secret exists, something like this will be displayed.

 "ID":"pp6d206pqk28cj12kjv36l2v7 "


If the secret does not exist, the following will be returned.

Status: Error: No such secret: my_secret, Code: 1


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