Bootstrap FreeKB - Docker - docker restart stack service
Docker - docker restart stack service

Updated:   |  Docker articles

The docker stack ls command can be used to display the stacks. This command must be run from the swarm manager.

docker stack ls


Something like this should be returned.

foo   3         Swarm
bar   1         Swarm


The docker stack services <stack name> command can be used to display the services in a stack.

docker stack services foo


Something like this should be returned.

ID                  NAME                   MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                                                              PORTS
ivq9h5yxl1om        foo_service001         replicated          1/1          
kod8l0fc9alv        foo_service002         replicated          1/1                      *:8000->8000/tcp
l4frotyxwqzg        foo_service003         replicated          0/1                 


The docker service update command can be used to restart a service in a stack.

~]# docker service update foo_service003
overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks 
1/1: running   [==================================================>] 
verify: Service converged


The --force flag can be used if the prior command fails to restart the service.

docker service update foo_service003 --force


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