Bootstrap FreeKB - Docker - Inspect service using the docker service inspect command
Docker - Inspect service using the docker service inspect command

Updated:   |  Docker articles

Before inspecting a service, the docker service ls command to list the services. Let's say you want to inspect the foo-service.

~]# docker service ls
ID            NAME         MODE        REPLICAS  IMAGE                                  PORTS
jwwpwkpzkqe0  foo-service  repliacted  1/1         *:8101->8080/tcp
rof5uwjm749q  bar-service  repliacted  1/1         *:8155->8104/tcp
v771iegeoxrm  service003   repliacted  1/1  *:8123->8000/tcp


The docker service inspect command can be used to display the details of the service.

~]# docker service inspect foo-service
        "ID": "rycaethva3f2g95xw5o4ederl",
        "Version": {
            "Index": 407593672
        "CreatedAt": "2019-09-25T22:12:56.073228901Z",
        "UpdatedAt": "2021-11-05T09:11:14.334379763Z",
        "Spec": {
            "Name": "foo-service",
            "Labels": {
                "com.docker.stack.image": "",
                "com.docker.stack.namespace": "foo",


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