Bootstrap FreeKB - Mule - Install Mule as a service on Tomcat
Mule - Install Mule as a service on Tomcat

Updated:   |  Mule articles

Stop Tomcat.

[john.doe@server1 ~]# bash $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/


Add the following to the $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file.

<Listener className="org.mule.module.tomcat.MuleTomcatListener" />


Create a directory named mule-libs under $TOMCAT_HOME.

[john.doe@server1 ~]# mkdir $TOMCAT_HOME/mule-libs


Run the startup script.

[john.doe@server1 ~]# bash $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
. . .
Tomcat started.


Ensure Tomcat is running properly.

[john.doe@server1 ~]# bash $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/
. . .
Jun 11, 2017 6:59:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initializatin processed in 1395 ms


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