Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Restart Pod using the oc delete pod command
OpenShift - Restart Pod using the oc delete pod command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

A node contains one or more pods, and each pod contains one or more containers.


The oc get deployments command can be used to view the applications that have been deployed in the namespace.

oc get deployments --namespace project001


Something like this should be returned.

app001          1         1         1            1           205d


The oc get replicaset (or oc get rs) command can be used to display the number of replicas for the deployments.

Replicas is the number of pods that should be created for the deployment.

oc get replicaset --namespace project001


Something like this should be returned. In this example, the deployment has 1 replica.

NAME                      DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
app001-5b9879db6d         1         1         1       205d


Or the oc get deployments command with the -o yaml or -o json option can be used.

oc get deployments -n project001 -o yaml


Something like this should be returned.

replicas: 1


In this scenario, if the pod is deleted, 1 new pod will be created, since replicas is 1. If you want to delete the pod, the deployment replicas will need to be set to 0.

oc get pods command can be used to display the pods.

oc get pods -n project001


The pod name will be the name of the replicaset followed by 5 unique alpha numeric characters.

NAME                       READY   STATUS     RESTARTS  AGE
app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2    1/1     Running    0         8d


Use the oc delete pod command to delete a pod.

oc delete pod app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2


Something like this should be displayed.

pod "app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2" deleted


If for whatever reason the pod does not delete, you can try the --force flag.

oc delete pod app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2 --force


You may also want to set --grace-period to zero.

oc delete pod app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2 --force --grace-period=0


Something like this should be returned.

warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
pod "app001-5b9879db6d-9mzm2" force deleted


As long as replicas is 1 (or higher), a new pod should be created. The oc get pods command can be used to validate that a new pod is created. In this example, the new pod is foo-km5uz.

NAME                       READY   STATUS     RESTARTS  AGE
app001-5b9879db6d-km5uz    1/1     Running    0         2m


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