Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Assign an external IP address to a service using the oc patch service command
OpenShift - Assign an external IP address to a service using the oc patch service command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

There are a few different ways to route external requests to a pod / service.

Let's say you have a service named hello-openshift which is used to route requests onto the hello-openshift pod. By default, the service will not have an external IP address assigned, which can be seen with the oc get services command.

~]$ oc get services
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)    AGE
hello-openshift   ClusterIP     <none>         8080/TCP   7d


The oc describe pod command can be used to see that the hello-openshift pod is running on the work node that has IP address

~]$ oc describe pod/hello-openshift
Name:         hello-openshift
Namespace:    foo
Priority:     0
Node:         lab001-worker-hsjrp/


The oc patch service command can be used to assign the service an external IP address.

~]$ oc patch service hello-openshift --patch '{"spec":{"externalIPs":[""]}}'
service/hello-openshift patched


And now the oc get services command should show that the service has the external IP address. You can now try to access the service at

~]$ oc get services
NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP    PORT(S)    AGE
hello-openshift   ClusterIP    8080/TCP   7d



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