Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - List identities using the oc get identity command
OpenShift - List identities using the oc get identity command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

The oc list identity or oc list identities command can be used to list the users that exist on the system under a particular identity provider.


Identities will not be listed until they have logged into OpenShift at least once.

~]$ oc get identity
NAME                                                  IDP NAME           IDP USER NAME                               USER NAME       USER UID
htpasswd_provider:john.doe                            htpasswd_provider  john.doe                                    john.doe        6b9b184a-cfea-44bf-ad62-a4a3454881cc
my-ldap:Y249YzA0NDIwNixvdT11c2VycyxPPVRocml2ZW50      my-ldap            Y249YzA0NDIwNixvdT11c2VycyxPPVRocml2ZW50    jane.doe        5ad8f659-64ce-4c9c-9ca0-fe69521fd7f2
my-ldap:Y249YzA0NDQ2OSxvdT11c2VycyxPPVRocml2ZW50      my-ldap            Y249YzA0NDQ2OSxvdT11c2VycyxPPVRocml2ZW50    jack.doe        eb31ca82-4af7-477f-b6c7-53661b685189


Similarly, the oc get users command can be used to list the users that have logged into OpenShift.


Users will not be listed until they have logged into OpenShift at least once.

~]# oc get users
NAME            UID                                   FULL NAME  IDENTITIES
john.doe        6b9b184a-cfea-44bf-ad62-a4a3454881cc  john.doe   htpasswd_provider:john.doe
jane.doe        5ad8f659-64ce-4c9c-9ca0-fe69521fd7f2  jane.doe   example-ldap:Y249YzA0NDIwNixvdT11c2VycyxPPVRocml2ZW50


The openshift-authentication project / namespace handles OpenShift Authentication. The openshift-authentication namespace by default should contain a few resources, such as a deployment, one or more pods, a service, a route, one or more confiig maps, and one or more secrets. There will typically be a config map that contains the enabled authentication methods.

~]$ oc get configmaps --namespace openshift-authentication
NAME                                   DATA   AGE
kube-root-ca.crt                       1      161d
openshift-service-ca.crt               1      161d
v4-0-config-system-cliconfig           1      355d
v4-0-config-system-metadata            1      355d
v4-0-config-system-service-ca          1      355d
v4-0-config-system-trusted-ca-bundle   1      355d


In this example, the config map named v4-0-config-system-cliconfig in the openshift-authentication namespace contains an LDAP identity provider. OpenShift can be configured with the following identity providers.

  • GitHub
  • htpasswd (flat file with a users username and password)
  • keystone
  • kubeadmin (default administrator user ID)
  • LDAP
  • OpenID Connect
~]$ oc get configmap v4-0-config-system-cliconfig --namespace openshift-authentication --output json
        "identityProviders": [
                "challenge": true,
                "login": true,
                "mappingMethod": "claim",
                "name": "my-ldap",
                "provider": {
                    "apiVersion": "",
                    "attributes": {
                        "email": [
                        "id": [
                        "name": [
                        "preferredUsername": [
                    "bindDN": "cn=openshift_ldap,ou=Appmgmt,ou=svcs,O=acme",
                    "bindPassword": {
                        "env": "",
                        "file": "/var/config/user/idp/0/secret/v4-0-config-user-idp-0-bind-password/bindPassword",
                        "keyFile": "",
                        "value": ""
                    "ca": "",
                    "insecure": true,
                    "kind": "LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider",
                    "url": "ldap://,ou=OpenShift,ou=applications,ou=groups,o=Acme)"


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