Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Run a pod on a specific node using nodeAffinity
OpenShift - Run a pod on a specific node using nodeAffinity

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

There are a few different ways to run a pod on a specific node.

  • Using nodeSelector (nodes are labeled with a key=value - if a pods "nodeSelector" is an exact match of a nodes key=value label, then the pod can be scheduled run on the node) 
  • Using nodeAffinity (this article) (nodes are labeled with a key=value - if a pods "nodeAffinity" regular expression matches a nodes key=value label, the pod can be scheduled to run on the node)
  • Using podAffinity (nodes are labeled with a key=value - if a pods "podAffinity" regular expression matches another pods key=value label, the pod can be scheduled to run on the same node as the other pod)
  • Using Taint and Toleration
    • Nodes are labeled with a key=value:taint (e.g. region=east:NoSchedule)
    • If a pods tolerations uses "Exists" and the pods tolerations key matches the nodes toleration key, the pod is allowed to run on the node
    • If a pods tolerations uses "Equal" and the pods tolerations key and value is an exact match of the nodes tolerations key and value, the pod is allowed to run on the node

The oc new-app command is used to deploy an application. There are various ways to deploy an app.

The scheduler is responsible for determining which worker node a resource should get created on. For example, when deploying a new application to OpenShift, the scheduler determines which worker node the pod should be created on, typically the worker node with the most available memory and CPU. Check out my article on the default scheduler.

The oc get nodes command will return the list of nodes. Notice there are two worker nodes.

~]# oc get nodes
NAME                  STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
my-node-infra-4k6z9   Ready     infra     273d      v1.11.0+d4cacc0
my-node-master-0      Ready     master    273d      v1.11.0+d4cacc0
my-node-worker-5n4fj  Ready     worker    273d      v1.11.0+d4cacc0
my-node-worker-v8r9r  Ready     worker    273d      v1.11.0+d4cacc0


Let's say you want to be able to specify the worker node that an application / container / deployment / pod will run. To accomplish this, you will need to label the worker nodes. The oc label node command can be used to apply one or more labels to a worker node. The worker node doesn't have to be labeled "region". You can pick any key value pair you would like.

~]$ oc label node my-node-worker-5n4fj region=east
node/my-node-worker-5n4fj labeled

~]$ oc label node my-node-worker-v8r9r region=west
node/my-node-worker-v8r9r labeled


The oc describe node command can be used to see the labels that have been applied to the worker nodes.

~]$ oc describe node my-node-worker-5n4fj
Name:               my-node-worker-5n4fj
Roles:              infra,worker
Labels:             region=east

~]$ oc describe node my-node-worker-v8r9r
Name:               my-node-worker-v8r9r
Roles:              infra,worker
Labels:             region=west


Here is an example of what you could have in your deployment YAML to have the pod created on the "east" or "west" worker node using nodeAffinity.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-openshift
        - key: region 
          operator: In 
          - east


With nodeAffinity, the scheduling of a pod on a node can either be preferred or required. Execution basically means "running pods" thus IgnoredDuringExecution means that nodeAffinity will have no impact on currently running pods. On the other hand, with Taint and Toleration, NoExecute can be used to terminate running pods.

  • preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution
  • requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution

The following operators can be used with matchExpression.

  • In (worker node label contains one of the listed key:value pairs)
  • NotIn (worker node label does not contain one of the listed key:value pairs)
  • Exists (worker node label is an exact made of the key, not the value)
  • DoesNotExist (worker node label is not an exact made of the key)
  • Lt (worker node label is less than)
  • Gt (worker node label is greater than)

Here is an example of how Exists would be used. In this example, if the node is labeled with key "region" the pod will be created on the node that has the "region" key.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-openshift
        - key: region 
          operator: Exists


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