Bootstrap FreeKB - Apache (Web Server) - Install Apache on Linux
Apache (Web Server) - Install Apache on Linux

Updated:   |  Apache (Web Server) articles

Download the latest stable release of Apache from

Download the latest stable Apache Portable Runtime (APR) and APR Utilities archives from

This will download files such as:

  • httpd-2.4.54.tar.gz
  • apr-1.7.0.tar.gz
  • apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz

Use the tar command to extract the archives to the /tmp directory.

tar -zxpf httpd-2.4.54.tar.gz --directory /tmp
tar -zxpf apr-1.7.0.tar.gz --directory /tmp
tar -zxpf apr-util-1.6.1.tar.gz --directory /tmp


Move the extracted APR and APR Utilities directory into the HTTPD srclib directory, ensuring that when the directories are moved, they are named "apr" and "apr-util".

mv /tmp/apr-1.7.0 /tmp/httpd-2.4.54/srclib/apr
mv /tmp/apr-util-1.6.1 /tmp/httpd-2.4.54/srclib/apr-util


Use dnf install or yum install to ensure the pcre and expat packages are installed.

dnf install pcre
dnf install expat-devel


Issue the following command to install Apache. In this example, the binaries used to install apache will be placed in the /tmp/apache_install_binaries directory.

/tmp/httpd-2.4.54/configure --prefix=/tmp/apache_install_binaries --with-included-apr


If you get an libpcre error, try including the --with-pcre option. Typically, libpcre is located at /usr/lib64.

/tmp/httpd-2.4.54/configure --prefix=/opt/apache --with-included-apr --with-pcre=/usr/lib64


If you want to install the Proxy Pass Load Balancer modules, include the --enable-proxy and --enable-proxy-balancer flags.

/tmp/httpd-2.4.54/configure --prefix=/opt/apache --with-included-apr --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-balancer


Run the make commands.

/tmp/apache_install_binaries/make install


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