Bootstrap FreeKB - NodeJS - PayPal standard integration checkout using NodeJS on Docker
NodeJS - PayPal standard integration checkout using NodeJS on Docker

Updated:   |  NodeJS articles

Let's say you have a web app and you want to add some sort of PayPal Checkout. Let's say your Docker server is a Linux system. Move into your /tmp directory and clone the repository.

~]$ cd /tmp
~]$ git clone


Update /tmp/docs-examples/standard-integration/server/server.js to have either the sandbox or production base URL.

const base = ""; <- sandbox
const base = "";         <- production


Let's first set this up in the Sandbox environment.

  1. Go to
  2. Select Create App and follow the prompts to create an app. You should get a Client ID and Secret.

Rename /tmp/docs-examples/standard-integration/.env.example to .env and update .env to have your apps Client ID and Secret.



By default, /tmp/docs-examples/advanced-integration/v2/server/server.js will have USD 100.00 (e.g. $100.00). You may want to change this, especially when testing/debugging.

const createOrder = async (cart) => {
    "shopping cart information passed from the frontend createOrder() callback:",

  const accessToken = await generateAccessToken();
  const url = `${base}/v2/checkout/orders`;
  const payload = {
    intent: "CAPTURE",
    purchase_units: [
        amount: {
          currency_code: "USD",
          value: "100.00",


Create a file named Dockerfile in the /tmp/docs-examples/standard-integration directory.

touch /tmp/docs-examples/advanced-integration/Dockerfile


The Dockerfile should have something like this.

  • Use RUN npm install when creating the sandbox container
  • Use RUN npm install --omit=dev ​when creating the production container
FROM node:18-alpine
COPY .env package.json /src/
COPY client/checkout.js /src/client/
COPY server/server.js /src/server/
COPY server/views/checkout.ejs /src/server/views/
RUN npm install
CMD ["npm", "start"]


Move into the directory that contains the Dockerfile.

cd /tmp/docs-examples/standard-integration/


Use the docker build command to create the NodeJS image using the Dockerfile.

sudo docker build --file Dockerfile --tag paypal-nodejs:18-alpine .


The docker images command should return something like this.

~]$ sudo docker images
REPOSITORY       TAG          IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
paypal-nodejs    18-alpine    824127ec51d1   2 weeks ago     189MB


The docker run command can be used to create and start a Docker container from the NodeJS image.

sudo docker run \
--name paypal-nodejs \
--publish \
--detach \


The docker container ls command should show the container is up and running.

~]$ sudo docker container ls
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                         NAMES
c19d5eab9a75   paypal-nodejs:18-alpine    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 weeks ago    Up 2 weeks    >8888/tcp     paypal-nodejs


The docker logs command should return something like this.

> @paypalcorp/standard-integration@1.0.0 start
> node server.js
Server listening at http://localhost:8888/


Go to http://<your Docker servers hostname or IP address>:8888/ and the following should be displayed.


Click the PayPal button and a pop-up should appear prompting you to sign into Sandbox PayPal. Sign in.


Once signed in, you should be presented with a form to test a payment.


In, on the Event Logs tab, there should be 201 OK events for the completed transation.




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