Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Resolve "Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget"
OpenShift - Resolve "Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget"

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

Let's say you are using the oc adm drain command to evict pods from a node.

oc adm drain node my-node-worker-lk5vm


And something like this is being returned.

Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget


The oc get PodDisruptionBudgets --all-namespaces command can be used to list the Pod Distribution Budgets.

~]$ oc get PodDisruptionBudgets --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE                              NAME                                 MIN AVAILABLE   MAX UNAVAILABLE   ALLOWED DISRUPTIONS   AGE
openshift-apiserver                    openshift-apiserver-pdb              N/A             1                 1                     300d
openshift-cluster-storage-operator     csi-snapshot-controller-pdb          N/A             1                 1                     300d
openshift-cluster-storage-operator     csi-snapshot-webhook-pdb             N/A             1                 1                     300d
openshift-etcd                         etcd-quorum-guard                    N/A             1                 1                     300d
openshift-image-registry               image-registry                       1               N/A               2                     300d
openshift-ingress                      router-default                       N/A             50%               2                     2y229d
openshift-ingress                      router-external-router               N/A             50%               1                     2y228d
openshift-ingress                      router-internal-router               N/A             50%               1                     2y228d
openshift-kube-apiserver               kube-apiserver-guard-pdb             2               N/A               1                     224d
openshift-kube-controller-manager      kube-controller-manager-guard-pdb    2               N/A               1                     224d
openshift-kube-scheduler               openshift-kube-scheduler-guard-pdb   2               N/A               1                     224d
openshift-monitoring                   alertmanager-main                    N/A             1                 1                     224d
openshift-monitoring                   prometheus-adapter                   1               N/A               1                     300d
openshift-monitoring                   prometheus-k8s                       1               N/A               1                     224d
openshift-monitoring                   thanos-querier-pdb                   1               N/A               1                     300d
openshift-oauth-apiserver              oauth-apiserver-pdb                  N/A             1                 1                     300d
openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager   packageserver-pdb                    N/A             1                 1                     224d


Probably the most reasonable solution is to scale up the pods replicas.

oc scale pod/router-default --replicas 2


One option is to use the --disable-eviction flag, but this should be used with caution.

oc adm drain node my-node-worker-lk5vm --disable-eviction <true|false>


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