Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - List daemon sets using REST API
OpenShift - List daemon sets using REST API

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

This assumes you have used the REST API to obtain an OAuth bearer token. Let's say the bearer token is sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U.

A daemonset is used to run a pod on specific nodes or all nodes.

Here is how you would list the daemon sets using curl.

--request GET
--header "Accept: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U"
--url ""


Here is now to list the daemon sets in a namespace.

--request GET
--header "Accept: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U"
--url ""


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