Bootstrap FreeKB - Linux Fundamentals - Cleanup /var/spool/abrt directory
Linux Fundamentals - Cleanup /var/spool/abrt directory

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The du command can be used to determine the size of the /var/spool/abrt directory, such as 1.7 GB in this example.

~]# du -hs /var/spool/*
1.7G    /var/spool/abrt


This is often due to a number of large ccpp directories in the /var/spool/abrt directory.

]# du -hs /var/spool/abrt/*
796K    /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2018-04-26-15:39:37-2559
558M    /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2022-07-24-01:30:02-1908
561M    /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2022-08-14-01:33:32-36837
611M    /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2023-04-16-01:33:09-75236
4.0K    /var/spool/abrt/last-ccpp
4.0K    /var/spool/abrt/last-via-server


This can be resolved by first stopping the abrtd and abrt-oops services.

systemctl stop abrtd
systemctl stop abrt-oops


And then use the abrt-cli command to remove the ccpp directories in the /var/spool/abrt directory.

abrt-cli rm /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2018-04-26-15:39:37-2559
abrt-cli rm /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2022-07-24-01:30:02-1908
abrt-cli rm /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2022-08-14-01:33:32-36837
abrt-cli rm /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2023-04-16-01:33:09-75236


And then start the abrtd and abrt-oops services.

systemctl stop abrtd
systemctl stop abrt-oops


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