Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Expire Alert Manager Silence using amtool
OpenShift - Expire Alert Manager Silence using amtool

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

In the openshift-monitoring namespace, there should be one or more alertmanager pods.

~]$ oc get pods --namespace openshift-monitoring
NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
alertmanager-main-0        6/6     Running   0               6d10h
alertmanager-main-1        6/6     Running   1 (6d10h ago)   6d10h


The oc exec command can be used to run the amtool CLI in one of the alertmanager pods.

Let's say you issued the amtool silence add command to silence an alarm.

oc exec pod/alertmanager-main-0 --namespace openshift-monitoring -- amtool silence add 'alertname=FluentdNodeDown' --alertmanager.url="http://localhost:9093" --duration="1d" --comment="temporarily silencing this alert for 1 day"


And the the amtool silence command can be used to list the silenced alerts. 

~]$ oc exec pod/alertmanager-main-0 --namespace openshift-monitoring -- amtool silence --alertmanager.url="http://localhost:9093"
ID                                    Matchers                     Ends At                  Created By  Comment                                     
d86e8aa8-91f3-463d-a34a-daf530682f38  alertname="FluentdNodeDown"  2024-01-20 09:29:29 UTC  john.doe    temporarily silencing this alert for 1 day


The amtool silence expire command can be used the expire the silence. In this example, the ID of the silence is used.

oc exec pod/alertmanager-main-0 --namespace openshift-monitoring -- amtool silence --alertmanager.url=http://localhost:9093 expire d86e8aa8-91f3-463d-a34a-daf530682f38


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