Bootstrap FreeKB - HAProxy (Load Balance) - Load balance Postgres
HAProxy (Load Balance) - Load balance Postgres

Updated:   |  HAProxy (Load Balance) articles

This assumes you have installed HAProxy.

HAProxy is a service that can be used to load balance requests between a TCP service. For example, let's say you have two or more Postgres databases. HAProxy can be used to load balance the requests across the two databases, using Round Robin or Least Connections.


If you have a firewall, such as iptables or firewalld, assuming your Postgres databases are listening on default port 5432, allow port 5432 in the firewall.

firewall-cmd --add-port=5432/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload


Let's say you want requests submitted into HAProxy on port 5432 (frontend) to be forwarded to the Postgres databases on port 5432 (backend), using round robin for load balancing. In this scenario, the frontend and backend blocks in haproxy.cfg would contain something like this. Let's break this down.

  • The listener is named "postgres". This can be any name you want, it just has to be something unique.
  • The listener is listening on *:5432, meaning that any interface / IP address on the HAProxy server on port 5432. 
  • round robin for load balancing.
  • The first server is the Postgres database at
  • The second server is the Postgres database at
listen postgres
    bind *:5432
    mode tcp
    balance roundrobin
    server db1 check
    server db2 check


Or like this.

frontend postgres
    bind *:5432
    default_backend postgres_db

backend postgres_db
    balance roundrobin
    server db1 check
    server db2 check


Restart HAProxy for this change to take effect.

systemctl restart haproxy


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