Bootstrap FreeKB - PHP - Wrap text in a cell when using FPDF
PHP - Wrap text in a cell when using FPDF

Updated:   |  PHP articles

Create a class to extend FPDF with the vcell function.

class WrapText extends FPDF 
	function vcell($c_width,$c_height,$x_axis,$text){
	$wrap0=$wrap+16;// First line of text (+8 from previous)	
	$wrap1=$wrap+24;// Second line of text (+8 from previous)
	$wrap2=$wrap+32;// Third line of text (+8 from previous)
	$wrap3=$wrap+40;// Fourth line of text (+8 from previous)
	$wrap4=$wrap+48;// Fifth line of text (+8 from previous)
	$wrap5=$wrap+56;// Sixth line of text (+8 from previous)
	$wrap6=$wrap+64;// Seventh line of text (+8 from previous)
	$len=strlen($text);// Splits the text into 64 character each and saves in a array 

		$wrap_text_array=str_split($text,64);//This sets the length of each array to 64 characters


		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap0,$wrap_text_array[0],'','','');// First line of text		
		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap1,$wrap_text_array[1],'','','');// Second line of text
		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap2,$wrap_text_array[2],'','','');// Third line of text

		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap3,$wrap_text_array[3],'','','');// Fourth line of text		

		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap4,$wrap_text_array[4],'','','');// Fifth line of text	

		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap5,$wrap_text_array[5],'','','');// Sixth line of text	

		$this->Cell($c_width,$wrap6,$wrap_text_array[6],'','','');// Seventh line of text	


Use the WrapText class.

$pdf = new WrapText();


Then use this to create the table row.

//line break

// width, heigth, x_axis, data, ?, border, alignment, enable background color
$text = $Example;

$pdf->Cell(40, 35, 'Example', 'TL' , 0, 'L', 0);
$pdf->Cell(40, 35, $Example, 'TL' , 0, 'L', 0);


The inspiration for this script comes from this post on StackOverflow:



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December 31 2018 by Yasir
it gives an error ! Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'FPDF error: No font has been set' in E:\wamp64\www\darbar-sharif-inventory\admin-panel\fpdf\fpdf.php on line 271

July 21 2022 by Athira
it gives an error ! Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'FPDF error: No font has been set' in E:\wamp64\www\darbar-sharif-inventory\admin-panel\fpdf\fpdf.php on line 271

April 04 2023 by Rey Ary T
Can I get video tutorial how using this code, because I'm confused to using these codes, thank you :)

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