Bootstrap FreeKB - PowerShell - Add a user to the administrators group using the adsi command
PowerShell - Add a user to the administrators group using the adsi command

Updated:   |  PowerShell articles

This command can be used to add a local user account to a group (such as administrators) using PowerShell.

  • Replace ComputerName with the hostname of the computer
  • Replace username with the username of the account to add to the group


If on a domain, use the DomainName instead of the ComputerName.



This command can be used to view the members of the group.

gwmi -query "select PartComponent, __Server from Win32_GroupUser where GroupComponent=`"Win32_Group.Domain='$env:Computername',Name='$localgroup'`"" |
  % { [WMI] $_.PartComponent } |
  ft -a Domain, Name, FullName, Description


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