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PowerShell articles

base64 Base64 encoding and decoding Batch Files Start a PowerShell script from a batch file Break Break out of a loop or block command line options and flags Getting Started with command line options and flags Count Get-ChildItem Count command Date Time Date and Time using Get-Date Dictionaries Getting Started with Dictionaries Event Viewer Export event viewer to a log file Files and Directories Append to a file using Add-Content Copy file using Copy-Item Create file using New-Item or Set-Content Delete files and directories using using Remove-Item Determine if file or directory exists using Test-Path Display file or directory permissions using the Get-Acl cmdlet Get file base name and directory name List files and directories using Get-ChildItem Read file using Get-Content Rename file or directory using Rename-Item Unzip files using Expand-Archive Upload or Download files between remote servers using Copy-Item and PSSession Filter Filter results using Select-String FTP Connect to an FTP Server Connect to an FTPS Server Connect to an SFTP Server List files on an FTP server Upload, download, and delete files from an FTP server Functions Getting Started with functions Hostname System hostname using the $env:computername variable if elseif else statements if elseif else statements Install Download and install a file ISO Bootable USB ISO Lists Getting Started with Lists Map a Network Drive Map a Network Drive using New-PSDrive Remote Connection Configure PowerShell for Remote Connections Connect to a remote server using New-PSSession Disconnect from a remote server using Remove-PSSession Run Commands on Remote Server using Invoke-Command Replace Replace string Run EXE Run an executable or bat script Scheduling Run a PowerShell script on a schedule using FBTaskScheduler Script Root Return script root using $PSScriptRoot Services Restart a service using Restart-Service Spliting string Split fields at delimiter SQL statements SQL statements Troubleshooting Resolve "the source and destination paths did not resolve to the same provider" Resolve "Cannot be loaded because the execution of scripts is disabled on this system" Resolve "the specified server cannot perform the requested operation" Resolve "The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified" try catch try catch finally block Users and Groups Add a user to the administrators group using the adsi command Version Display PowerShell version