Bootstrap FreeKB - Tomcat - Resolve "Unrecongized VM option MaxMetaspaceSize"
Tomcat - Resolve "Unrecongized VM option MaxMetaspaceSize"

Updated:   |  Tomcat articles

"Unrecongized VM option MaxMetaspaceSize" will be in a Tomcat JVMs catalina.out log when the JVM is using the MaxMetaspaceSize argument and version 7 of Java.



This occurs because the MaxMetaspaceSize argument was introduced in version 8 of Java. If your Tomcat JVM must use version 7 of Java, then you will want to use the -XX:MaxPermSize argument instead of the MaxMetaspaceSize argument.



If your Tomcat JVM can use version 8 of Java, then you'll want to configure your Tomcat JVM to use version 8 of Java.



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