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IBM WebSphere - Create HTML files for Configuration Comparison Tool (CCT,

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This assumes you have Installed WebSphere Configuration Comparison Tool (CCT) and created two or more dump files. The end goal of the Configuration Comparision tool is to create HTML files comparing the configurations of components in two different cells. However, before the HTML files can be created, first configuration files need to be created. As the name suggests, the configuration files contain the configuration of a cell. 


The script is used to create the following HTML files.

  • AllServers.html
  • Applications.html
  • EJBTimerDataSources.html
  • NodeAgent.html
  • Resources.html
  • ResourcesNotMatched.html
  • Summary.html


At the bare minimum, the following command is all that is needed to create HTML files. Notice that this command uses Python. You must have version 2.7 or higher of Python installed on your system.

python /path/to/ /path/to/


Notice that the script uses the file as a command line option. The files is used to:

  • Define which configuration files will be used
  • Define which HTML files will be created
  • Define where the HTML files will be stored


Define which configuration files will be used

By default, the file is configured to look for files matching *.cfg in the present working directory. Usually, this is not what you want to do. For example, consider a scenario where you have 10 different .cfg files in your present working directory, one for 10 different WebSphere cells. If you were to not control which .cfg files are used, HTML files would be created that attempt to compare the configurations between all 10 cells. You usually are not looking to compare 10 different cells. Instead, you are usually just going to compare two cells, cell "a" and cell "b".

For this reason, it is quite common to use the  ConfigurationDumpFiles on the command line and to then specify the two configuration files that are going to be used.

python /path/to/ 


Define which HTML files will be created​

By default, the is configured to create the following HTML files. You can update the file if you want to only create some of these HTML files.

  • AllServers.html
  • Applications.html
  • EJBTimerDataSources.html
  • NodeAgent.html
  • Resources.html
  • ResourcesNotMatched.html
  • Summary.html

Note - If you have a large number of applications you may want to consider creating a unique HTML report for each application.


Define where the HTML files will be stored​

By default, the file is configured to create a directory named output in your present working directory, and to store the HTML files in the "output" directory. If you want the HTML files to reside in some other directory, you can add ConfigurationReportOutputPath on the command line. Or, you can update the file with the path.

python /path/to/ 


The HTML files created can be placed on a web server. For example, in the All Servers report, you can quickly see if the JVMs in the cell have different configurations.

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