Bootstrap FreeKB - Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) - Download and install Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) on Linux
Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) - Download and install Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) on Linux

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) can be installed in Eclipse, on Windows, or on Linux.

Here is how I install Eclipse Memory Analyzer on Linux.

  1. Download the Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) from
  2. Select Linux (x86_64/GTK+)
  3. Select Download. This will download a file named MemoryAnalyzer-<version> to your local PC. Place this zip file on the Linux server that will run Memory Analzyer.
  4. Extract the zip file to the /opt directory. The installation files will reside at /opt/mat.
unzip MemoryAnalyzer-<version> -d /opt


Issue the following command to launch the Memory Analyzer GUI. Be aware that it may take a while for the application to launch (perhaps 30 seconds or so).



Once launched, you should get a GUI that looks something like this.

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