Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - ansible-vault encrypt_string command
Ansible - ansible-vault encrypt_string command

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The ansible-vault command can be used to perform a number of tasks.

Additionally, there are a few command line options to be aware of.


The ansible-vault encrypt_string command creates an encrypted string. The encrypted string is stored as a key value pair. In this example, a key named "foo" is created, and value "bar" is encrypted.

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'bar' --name 'foo'


You will be prompted to create the vault password.

New Vault password:


Or, to avoid being prompted for the vault password, you could create a Vault Password file, and then use the --vault-password-file command line option (if you are going to use the same password for all of the ansible-vault commands) . . .

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'bar' --name 'foo' --vault-password-file /usr/local/vault/.vault_password.txt


Or the --vault-id command line option (if you want to use different passwords) 

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'bar' --name 'foo' --vault-id test@/usr/local/ansible/vault/.vault_password.txt


After providing the valid vault password, something like this should be displayed.

foo: !vault |
Encryption successful


Almost always, you are going to redirect the encrypted string to a file.

ansible-vault encrypt_string 'bar' --name 'foo' > foo.txt


foo.txt should contain the following.

foo: !vault |


On the Linux command line, here is how you would decrypt the encrypted string.

echo -e '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256\n36363439653836626337336232306464623531653330313661306133623432333832613666323464\n3435373066366662653064393035343266363131613034310a383934373338636564616232623264\n64336238306434663434396433313437386566386466336162373861353063646531616633613965\n3461326138313833610a393161646166303362343835613566386237663636646333323236333635\n3536' | ansible-vault decrypt


Which should return the following.

Decryption successful


In a playbook, the set_fact module and the lookup plugin can be used to store the content of the file that contains the encrypted string (foo.txt in this example) in a variable ("foo" in this example).

- set_fact:
    foo: "{{ lookup('file', 'foo.txt') }}"


The debug module could be used to validate that the "foo" variable contains the encrypted string.

- name: "output the 'foo' variable"
    var: foo


Which should output something like this.

TASK [output the 'out' variable]
ok: [] => {
    "foo": "foo: !vault |\n          $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.2;AES256;test\n          31393261616237373231363237633237373165393063383766643265623264356366303037363262\n          3764343537623566376235306562306633616333333361350a303563343938636236336466373366\n          34363363633261396466323234393162613137343737393366616630343561653433643935383536\n          6436323264653439360a333838383837333636323933306438613164346636383336616361623836\n          3066"


shell module could be used to invoke the ansible-vault command. In this example, the register parameter is used to store the output in the "out" variable. In this scenario, you most definitely are going to want to include the --vault-password-file or --vault-id option so that the script doesn't halt and prompt for the vault password.

- name: "ansible-vault view foo.txt"
  shell: "ansible-vault view --vault-id test@/usr/local/ansible/vault/.vault_password.txt foo.txt"
  register: out


The debug module could be used to validate that the "out" variable contains the plain text content of foo.txt.

- name: "output the 'out' variable"
    var: out


Which should output something like this.

TASK [output the 'out' variable]
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Hello World"


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