Ansible Galaxy may refer to:
- The Ansible Galaxy website
- The ansible-galaxy command line tool. Refer to our Ansible walkthroughs page for articles on the ansible-galaxy command line tool.
Ansible Galaxy is a website that is used to share roles -> If you are not familiar with roles, check out our article Getting Started with Ansible Roles. For example, let's say you want to use Ansible to install a Linux HTTPD web server. At Ansible Galaxy, you could search with HTTPD something like this will be displayed. Typically, you would first look at the roles that has the most downloads.
Selecting a result will display additional details on the role, and there will be an Installation command. In this example, the ansible-galaxy install command can be used to install the role.
The result may also include a GitHub Repo button, meaning that GitHub can be used to download the role.
In this example, at GitHub, there is a Clone or download button. Selecting Download ZIP will download something like to your local PC.
Or, if you have Git installed on your PC, you can use the git clone command to download the role to your local PC.
C:\Users\jeremy>git clone
. . .
Cloning into 'ansible-role-httpd'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 393, done.
Receiving objects: 75% (295/393)ed 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 393Receiving objects: 72% (283/393)
Receiving objects: 100% (393/393), 67.47 KiB | 463.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (172/172), done.
In this example, ansible-role.httpd.git was cloned into a directory named ansible-role-httpd on my local PC. Here is what the contents of the ansible-role-httpd looks like.
C:\Users\jeremy>dir ansible-role-httpd
. . .
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> defaults
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> handlers
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> meta
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> tasks
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> templates
05/11/2020 05:15 AM <DIR> vars
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