Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - List Secrets using the oc get secrets command
OpenShift - List Secrets using the oc get secrets command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

There are different ways to configure a container with environment variables.

Config Maps are used to:

  • mount configuration files in a container
  • create environment variables in a container
  • create command line option arguments in a container

Secrets are similar, used to create variables that contain encoded data (e.g. passwords). In this way, if a change is needed to a configuration file, variable, or command line option argument, you just need to update the config map or secret as opposed to having to make the change to your applications or deployments.

The oc get secrets command can be used the list the secrets in the currently selected project / namespace.


The -A or --all-namespaces flag can be used to list the secrets in every project / namespace.

The -n or --namespace flag can be used to list the secrets in a certain project / namespace.

oc get secrets

NAME           TYPE                                 DATA      AGE
mysecret1      Opaque                               1         133d
mysecret2                    1         133d
mysecret3  1         127d


The oc get secret command followed by the name of a secret can be used to display an individual secret.

oc get secret mysecret1

NAME           TYPE        DATA      AGE
mysecret1      Opaque      1         133d


The -o yaml option can be used to display the contents of the secret. In this example, the secret contains a key named "myKey" and the key contains an encrypted value of "anRwL7VzZ4JpZDxna1F2dpFt9HNw7HZ0cK5wYXlzd29aZD1TTnMjZG75Rwa=".

oc get secret mysecret1 -o yaml

apiVersion: v1
  myKey: anRwL7VzZ4JpZDxna1F2dpFt9HNw7HZ0cK5wYXlzd29aZD1TTnMjZG75Rwa=
kind: Secret
  creationTimestamp: "2020-02-03T17:02:04Z"
  name: mysecret1 
  namespace: myProject001
  resourceVersion: "74792019"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/myProject001/secrets/mysecret1
  uid: e6e760ae-46a6-11aa-9928-005056a39855
type: Opaque


The encrypted value can be decrypted using this command, which will return the cleartext secret.

echo "anRwL7VzZ4JpZDxna1F2dpFt9HNw7HZ0cK5wYXlzd29aZD1TTnMjZG75Rwa=" | base64 -d


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