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OpenShift articles

Getting Started with OpenShift View node logs using the oc adm node-logs command Admin Console Getting Started with the Admin Console Alert Manager Expire Alert Manager Silence using amtool List Alert Manager Alerts using amtool List Alert Manager Silenced Alerts using amtool Silence Alert Manager Alerts using amtool Annotate Annotate a resource using the oc annotate command API Request Counts List API Request Counts using the oc get apirequestcounts command API Server Display API Server URL using the oc config view command Display api URL using the oc get apiserver command Get API Server Certificates using OpenSSL Get API Server Certificates using the oc and OpenSSL commands Authentication Log into OpenShift using a service account token Log into OpenShift using a user account token Log into OpenShift using Ansible community.okd.openshift_auth Log into OpenShift using the oc login command Login into OpenShift using Python Authentication / Identity Providers Add Update Remove Identity Providers Create an oAuth LDAP Identity Provider Create htpasswd OAuth Identity Provider List identities using the oc get identity command List the enabled authentication methods Return oAuth URLs Update htpasswd Identity Provider Authentication / OAuth Create an OpenID Connect Identity Provider with Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) List OAuth Bearer Token using REST API List OAuth Identity Providers using the oc get oauth command Obtain OAuth Bearer Token using REST API Builds and Build Configs List Build Configs using the oc get buildconfigs command Cluster oc cluster-info Cluster Application Migration (CAM) Tool Migrate Application - Create the Migration Plan Migrate Application - Migrate a Plan Migrate Application - Stage a Plan Cluster Service Versions (CSV) List Cluster Service Versions using the oc get csv command CodeReady Containers crc cleanup command (CodeReady Containers version) crc config command (CodeReady Containers) crc delete command (CodeReady Containers) crc setup command (CodeReady Containers) crc start command (CodeReady Containers) crc status command (CodeReady Containers) crc stop command (CodeReady Containers) crc version command (CodeReady Containers version) crc.log (CodeReady Containers log) Display CodeReady Container login credentials using the crc console command Install OpenShift CodeReady Containers on Linux or Mac Install OpenShift CodeReady Containers on Windows Uninstall OpenShift CodeReady Containers on Linux Uninstall OpenShift CodeReady Containers on Mac Uninstall OpenShift CodeReady Containers on Windows Config Maps Create Config Map Delete Config Maps using the oc delete configmap command Edit Config Map using the oc edit command List Config Maps using REST API List Config Maps using the oc get configmaps command Mount multiple Config Maps to the same directory using projected volume Containers List the containers in a deployment or pod Run a command in a container Contexts List Contexts using the oc config get-context command copy Copy file between container and host using the oc cp command Cron and Jobs Create cronjob using the oc create cronjob command List cron jobs using REST API List cronjobs using the oc get cronjob command List Jobs using the oc get jobs command Manually run cronjob Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) Delete Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) using the oc delete crd command List Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) using the oc get crd command Daemon Sets List daemon sets using REST API List deamon sets using the oc get daemonsets command Deployments Delete deployment using the oc delete deployment command Deploy a new version of an application using the oc rollout command Deploy an application from a build Deploy an application from a JSON or YAML file Deploy an application from a template Deploy an application from an image Deploy an application from Docker Hub Deploy an application from GitHub Deploy Hello Openshift Deploy Python Flask container on OpenShift Deployment status using the oc status command Label a deployment using the oc label command List deployment configs using the oc get deploymentconfigs command List deployment environment variables List deployments using REST API List deployments using the oc get deployments command Update a deployment YAML template file using the oc edit command DNS List DNS objects using the oc get dns command List OpenShift DNS URLs egress Assign egress IP address to a node using the oc patch hostsubnet command Assign egress IP address to a project using the oc patch netnamespace command Create egress network policy rules Edit egress rules using the oc edit command List egress IP and CIDR using the oc get hostsubnet command List egress IP using the oc get netnamespace command List egress rules using the oc get egressnetworkpolicy command Elastic Search Delete Elastic Search indices Determine Elastic Search health status (green yellow red) Elastic Search same_shard the shard cannot be allocated to the same node on which a copy of the shard already exists Elastic Search Shard Allocation List Elastic Search Cluster Settings List Elastic Search Documents List Elastic Search Indices List Elastic Search Shards Monitor an Application Server in Elastic APM Patch Elastic Search Management State Endpoints List endpoints using the oc get endpoints command Environment Variables Create deployment environment variables Delete environment variables using the oc set env command List environment variables using the oc set env command etcd List etcd Events Delete events using the oc delete events command List Events using the oc get events command View Node events using oc describe or oc get View Pod events using oc describe or oc get Getting Started Getting Started with Keycloak Getting Started with Terraform GitOps Install gitops-primer Operator on the command line Install Red Hat OpenShift GitOps Operator using the console (Argo CD) Images Create image using the oc import-image command List image streams using the oc get imagestreams command List images using the oc get images command Pull image from a registry using the podman pull command Tag Image Stream Ingress Create Ingress Route Display ingress domain apps URL List Ingress Controllers using the oc get ingresscontroller command List Ingress Route using the oc get ingress command List Ingress Routers using the oc get services command Install Install 60 day free trial version of Red Hat OpenShift on VMWare JSON Parse JSON using jsonpath Labels Understanding Labels LDAP Sync Import Users and Groups using ldap-sync Remove LDAP sync Groups using oc adm prune groups Schedule LDAP sync using cronjob Limits and Quotas Create Cluster Resource Quota Create CPU Memory Limits Create Quota List Cluster Resource Quota using the oc get clusterresourcequota command List CPU Memory Limits using the oc get limits command List Quota using the oc get quota command Update a deployment with CPU Memory resource requests and limits Logging Elastic Search logs (ELK EFK stack) Filebeat logs (ELK EFK stack) Fluentd log level (ELK EFK stack) Fluentd logs (ELK EFK stack) log level option (--loglevel) Patch Cluster Logging Management State View logs using the master-logs command View logs using the oc logs command Machines / Nodes Delete machine using the oc delete machine command Label a node using the oc label command List Machine Config Pool using the oc get machineconfigpool command List machine sets using the oc get machineset command List machines using the oc get machines command List nodes using the oc get nodes command Restart node using the oc debug node command Start a node in debug mode using the oc debug command Must Gather Creating a Must Gather using the oc adm must-gather command Network Policies Allow or deny all egress traffic in a project using Network Policy Allow or deny all ingress traffic in a project using Network Policy Allow or deny all traffic based on IP address, CIDR or port using Network Policy Allow requests that match pod label Allow traffic from a namespace using Network Policy List Network Policies using the oc get networkpolicies command oc command Getting Started with the oc command Operators List Cluster Operators using the oc get clusteroperator command List Cluster Operators using the REST API List Operators using the oc get operators command Uninstall Operators Output Format custom-columns option Pod Placement Run a pod on a specific node using nodeAffinity Run a pod on a specific node using nodeSelector Run a pod on a specific node using podAffinity Run a pod on a specific node using taint and tolerations Pods Configure a pod to create heap dumps (oc edit JAVA_OPTS) Create a pod using a YAML template file Delete Pod using the oc delete pod command Delete Pods using Ansible Delete pods using REST API Deploy a pod from a JSON or YAML file Evicting pods from a node (oc adm drain) Exchanging messages between pods Execute a command in a pod using the oc exec command Label a pod using the oc label command List pods using Ansible List pods using REST API List pods using the oc get pods command Remote shell to a pod using the oc rsh command Restart Pod using the oc delete pod command Restart Pod using the REST API Update a pods max heap (oc edit JAVA_OPTS) Update a pods metaspace (oc edit JAVA_OPTS) View a pods memory usage (RAM) Port Forward Create a port forward rule using the oc port-forward command Project / Namespace Change Project using the oc project command Create a Project Create a Project using Terraform Create Project Template using the oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template command Delete project using REST API Delete Project using the oc delete project command Disable new Project creation by editing the self-provisioners Cluster Role Binding Disable new Project creation using projectRequestMessage Inspect a project using the oc adm inspect command List Projects using Python List projects using REST API List projects using the oc get netnamespaces command List projects using the oc get projects command Projects List projects using NodeJS Prometheus List Prometheus Metrics List Prometheus Targets Reload Prometheus Configurations Proxy List proxy servers using the oc get proxy command Registries List repositories in the internal registry Sign into using the podman login command Replicas List replicas using REST API List replicas using the oc get replicaset command List replicaset environment variables Replication Controllers Create Replication Controller List Replication Controllers Revisions Controller replicaset and replication controller revisions using triggers Role Bindings Add or Remove a Role Binding from a User Group or Service Account Create Role Binding Delete a Role Binding using REST API List Role Bindings List Role Bindings using Python List Role Bindings using REST API Update a Role Binding using REST API Roles Create Role using a YAML template file Create Roles Determine if a User or Group has permission using oc adm policy who-can List Roles Router Understanding Default Router Routes Create insecured Route using the oc expose command Create secured Route using Self Signed Certificate Create secured Route using the oc create route command Label a route using the oc label command List Routes using the oc get routes command Resolve route automatically recreating Scale / Autoscale Add machines nodes using the oc scale machineset command Automatically scale a pod using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler List autoscalers using the oc get horizontalpodautoscalers command Temporarily change the number of pods (replicas) using the oc scale command Scheduler List Schedulers using the oc get scheduler command Marking node as schedulable or unschedulable Secrets Configure a Deployment with Secrets as a Variable Configure a Deployment with Secrets as a Volume Mount Create Opaque Generic Secrets (key value pairs) Create TLS Secrets Delete Secret using REST API Deleting Secrets using the oc delete secret command Display secret content using the oc secrets command List Secrets using Python List Secrets using REST API List Secrets using the oc get secrets command Prefix Secrets using oc set env --prefix Update Secret using the oc replace command Security Context Constraints (SCC) Add a Security Context Constraint to a User or Group or Service Account Create a Security Context Constraint Delete a Security Context Constraint List Security Context Constraints allowed by a pod or deployment List Security Context Constraints using the oc get securitycontextconstraints command Remove a Security Context Constraint from a User or Group or Service Account Run a deployment with a Service Account and Security Context Constraint Update a deployment with Security Context (runAsUser runAsGroup fsGroup) Service Accounts Create Service Accounts List Service Accounts Service Monitors List Service Monitors using the oc get servicemonitors command Services Assign an external IP address to a service using the oc patch service command Create ClusterIP Service Create ClusterIP Service using the oc expose pod command Create load balance service using the oc create service command List Services using REST API List Services using the oc get services command sosreport Create an SOS report SSL / TLS List SSL certificates in a config map List SSL certificates in a deployment container args (arguments) List SSL certificates in a secret Service CA (certificate authority) SSL certificate View a pods SSL certificate SSO Create a Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) OpenID Connect Identity Provider Install Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) Operator on the command line Install Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) Operator using the console Integrate OpenShift with Red Hat SSO (Keycloak) Setup keycloak resource for Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) Sign into OpenShift using Red Hat Single Sign On (SSO) Stateful Sets List stateful sets using REST API List stateful sets using the oc list statefulsets command Storage Classes Create Storage Classes using a YAML template file List Storage Classes using the oc get storageclass command Templates Getting Started with Templates List Templates using the oc get templates command Troubleshooting oc adm diagnostics command Pod stuck Terminating Resolve "Application is not available" Resolve "AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume" Resolve "Cannot evict pod as it would violate the pod's disruption budget" Resolve "Cluster operator network has not retrieved updates" Resolve "Cluster version operator has not retrieved updates" Resolve "Connection refused" Resolve "Connection timed out" Resolve "ContainerCreating" Resolve "context deadline exceeded" Resolve "CrashLoopBackOff" Resolve "DaemonSet openshift-sdn is not available awaiting nodes" Resolve "Deleting protected is not allowed" Resolve "Disk Watermark High" Resolve "DiskPressure" Resolve "Error from server (InternalError): Internal error occurred: unexpected response: 500" Resolve "Error trying to connect to APM Server" Resolve "error: tls: failed to parse private key" Resolve "error: unable to upgrade connection: container not found" Resolve "exceeded quota" Resolve "failed quota" Resolve "failed to pull image manifest unknown ImagePullBackOut" Resolve "Failed to pull image proxyconnect timeout" Resolve "FailedMount Unable to attach or mount volumes timed out waiting for the condition" Resolve "Fluentd cannot be scraped" Resolve "FluentDVeryHighErrorRate" Resolve "forbidden: User cannot resource in API group" Resolve "hostPath type check failed is not a file" Resolve "hostPath volumes are not allowed to be used" Resolve "Kubelet stopped posting node status" Resolve "Missing or incomplete configuration info. Please point to an existing, complete config file" Resolve "Multi-Attach error for volume" Resolve "must not have leading or trailing whitespace" Resolve "Permission Denied" with mounted Persistent Volume Claim Resolve "Prometheus has failed to evaluate rules in the last 5m" Resolve "taint that the pod didn't tolerate" Resolve "ThanosQueryHttpRequestQueryRangeErrorRateHigh" Resolve "The server uses a certificate signed by an unknown authority" Resolve "Throttling request took" Resolve "TLS handshake error from remote error: tls: bad certificate" Resolve "unable to validate against any security context constraint" Resolve "verify you have provided the correct host and port and that the server is currently running" Resolve "You are not a member of any projects" Resolve "You may not request a new project via this API" Resolve "You must obtain an API token" Resolve "You need to be root to perform this command" Resolve cluster operator degraded Resolve Elastic Search "failed to create shard failure IOException No space left on device" Resolve ElasticsearchDiskSpaceRunningLow Resolve ElasticsearchNodeDiskWatermarkReached Resolve error: rolebinding found for "Role", not "ClusterRole" Resolve KubeletDown Resolve Liveness or Readiness probe failed Resolve node status NotReady Resolve operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver serving cert not active Resolve Persistent Volume Claim Lost Resolve Project stuck in a Terminating state Resolved "Error creating deployer pod" Users / Groups Add user to a group using the oc adm groups add-users command Create group using a YAML template file Create group using the oc adm groups command Delete group using REST API Delete kubeadmin user account Delete User Account Display user name and token using the oc whoami command Display users token using the oc config view command List groups using REST API List Groups using the oc get groups command List Users using Python List Users using the oc get users command Remove user from a group using the oc admin groups remove-users command Version Determine Cluster ID oc get clusterversion command oc version command Volumes Create Persistent Volume Create Persistent Volume Claim Create Shared Volume using a YAML template file Determine Persistent Volume Claim used space Elastic File System (EFS) for Red Hat OpenShift on Amazon Web Services (AWS) (ROSA) Label a Persistent Volume using the oc label command List Persistent Volume Claims using the oc get pvc command List Persistent Volume Claims using the REST API List Persistent Volume using the oc get pv command List Shared Volumes using the oc get sharedvolumes command Mount a Config Map in a container Mount a local directory in a container Mount a Persistent Volume in a container Mount a Shared Volume in a container Mount an empty directory in a container using the oc set volume command Resize Persistent Volume Claim available storage