When creating or starting a container using the docker run command, the --network option can be used to choose the network that the container will use.
By default, if the --network option is not used, the container will use the default bridge network.
~]# docker network ls
7e6e54bde697 bridge bridge local
8ba129869d06 host host local
1143f39a14ae none null local
The docker network inspect command can be used to see that the default bridge network uses IP addresses in the subnet. Thus, if you do not include the --network option, DHCP will assign an IP address in the subnet range to the container. Or, the --ip option could be used to assign a specific IP address to the container.
~]# docker network inspect bridge
"Name": "bridge",
"Id": "55b61b1a57f58bf3dc43b5262d6ed312ecd1ecc43a32e356d2f10edc1536a035",
"Created": "2021-10-26T21:42:00.410817105-05:00",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "bridge",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": null,
"Config": [
"Subnet": "",
"Gateway": ""
When creating a container using the docker run command the --network option can be used to configure the container with a specific network.
sudo docker run --network foo-network --name my-container my-image:latest
Of if the container already exists the docker update command can be used.
sudo docker update --network foo-network my-container
You can use the docker inspect command to view the JSON for the container.
~]$ sudo docker inspect my-container | jq .[].NetworkSettings
"Bridge": "",
"SandboxID": "3bcbed81de9f0c6197e3b7866b875570aca0e7fea5b215dabda100dd878d1806",
"HairpinMode": false,
"LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"Ports": {
"443/tcp": null,
"80/tcp": [
"HostIp": "",
"HostPort": "18089"
"SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/3bcbed81de9f",
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
"EndpointID": "c2072a51155917302309744f69c76dfd71998b651e3eec4943a6f8e2fb706a76",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:05",
"Networks": {
"bridge": {
"IPAMConfig": null,
"Links": null,
"Aliases": null,
"NetworkID": "4775001eae48c1887abc1c0f1bd1887a1b85aa7b49794b94509921e64e65bafc",
"EndpointID": "c2072a51155917302309744f69c76dfd71998b651e3eec4943a6f8e2fb706a76",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:05",
"DriverOpts": null
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