Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Create Vault Credentials in Tower
Ansible - Create Vault Credentials in Tower

Updated:   |  Ansible articles

Let's say you used the ansible-vault create command to create locker.yml. When creating locker.yml, you would have been prompted to create a vault password. The vault password can be stored in an Ansible Tower credential.

  1. In Tower, select Credentials.
  2. Select the green plus icon.
  3. Enter the following:
    • Name = Something unique
    • Description = Something unique
    • Organization = 
    • Credential Type = Vault
    • Vault Password = the vault password
  4. Select Save.


Let's say locker.yml contains the following. The foo variable contains a value of bar.

foo: bar


You'll have to make locker.yml accessible by Tower. For example, let's say you have a project that is using the foo.git repository. In this scenario, locker.yml could be placed in group_vars/all/locker.yml in the Git repository.


Next you will want to create a job template that is using the foo project and also using the vault credentials. Let's say the template is running playbook foo.yml and foo.yml contains the following.

- hosts: all
    - name: print the value in the foo variable
        var: foo


The following should be returned. Notice "bar" is returned.

TASK [print the value in the foo variable]
ok: [] => {
    "foo": "bar"


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