Bootstrap FreeKB - Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) - Install Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) in Eclipse
Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) - Install Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) in Eclipse

The Eclipse Memory Analyzer (MAT) can be installed in Eclipse, on Windows, or on Linux.

Here is how I install Eclipse Memory Analyzer in Eclipse.

  1. Go to Help > Install New Software.
  2. I typically just select "All Available Sites" and enter Memory Analyzer in search. 
  3. Check mark Memory Analyzer and Memory Analyzer (Charts) [optional] and click Next.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Bullet I accept the term and select Finish.
  6. After the install has completed, select Restart Now.

To open the Memory Analzyer in Eclipse, select Window Perspective > Open Perspective > Other > Memory Analysis > Open.

Then select File Open Heap Dump and select a heap dump file. The heap dump file should end with the .hprof extension (e.g. java_pid3158.hprof).

Be aware that a large hprof file may cause Eclipse to run out of memory. If this occurs, you can updated the amount of memory allocated for Eclipse in the eclipse.ini file.

  • -Xms = minimum heap
  • -Xmx = maximum heap
C:\Program Files\Java\JDK8u352-B08\bin\javaw.exe


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