The which command can be used to determine if SQLIte is already installed on your Linux system. If something like this is returned, SQLite is not in your $PATH and most likely not installed on your Linux system.
~]$ which sqlite3
/usr/bin/which: no sqlite3 in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/home/john.doe/.local/bin:/home/john.doe/bin)
On a Debian Distribution (Mint, Ubuntu), the apt-get install command can be used to install SQLite. On a Red Hat distribution (CentOS, Fedora, Red Hat), the dnf install or yum install command can be used.
dnf install sqlite
If for some reason you can't install SQLite using the apt-get install or dnf install or yum install commands, you can try to download the binaries and install using make, but this is always such a pain and I only do this when the apt-get install or dnf install or yum install commands cannot be used for some reason.
The wget command can be used to downloaded the SQLite autoconf TAR file from
The tar command can be used to extract the TAR archive.
tar -z --extract --preserve-permissions --file sqlite-autoconf-3420000.tar.gz --directory /tmp
You can now remove the TAR file.
rm sqlite-autoconf-3420000.tar.gz
Issue these commands to install SQLite.
cd /tmp/sqlite-autoconf-3420000/
./configure --prefix /usr/local
make install
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