Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - crc start command (CodeReady Containers)
OpenShift - crc start command (CodeReady Containers)

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

The crc start command is used to start a CodeReady Container. Before invoking the crc start command, you should have already invoked the crc setup command. I always suggest using the --log-level debug option.

crc start --log-level debug


The -p or --pull-secret-file option followed by the name of your secrets file, which is pull-secret.txt by default, can be used to not be prompted for the pull secret during startup.

crc start --pull-secret-file pull-secret.txt


If you did not use the -p or --pull-secret-file option, you will be prompted for your pull secret. Copy the contents of pull-secret.txt, paste the contents in the terminal, and press enter.

? Image pull secret [? for help]


If the start is successful, the following should be displayed.

Started the OpenShift cluster


On Windows, this will create a virtual machine named "crc" in Hyper-V.


Under the hood, PowerShell is used to create the crc virtual machine. If you are --log-level debug using the option, the crc.log will show the PowerShell command used to create the crc virtual machine in Hyper-V.

(crc) DBG | [executing ==>] : C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive Hyper-V\New-VM crc -Path 'C:\Users\john.doe\.crc\machines\crc' -SwitchName 'Default Switch' -MemoryStartupBytes 9216MB


If the start fails, something like this will be displayed.

ERRO Error creating machine: Error creating the VM: Error creating machine: Error in driver during machine creation: exit status 1


And the crc.log could have something like this.

(crc) DBG | [stderr =====>] : Hyper-V\New-VM : Creating the virtual machine failed.


You can try using the -f or --force option if the startup fails.

crc start --force


If the start fails even with the -f or --force option, you'll typically want to perform the following steps.

  • Invoke the crc status command to determine if the crc machine exists
  • If the crc machine exists, optionally invoke the crc delete command and then verify that the "crc" virtual machine no longer exists in Hyper-V (on Windows)
  • Optionally, Invoke the crc cleanup command
  • Review the crc.log file
  • Optionally, delete the hidden .crc directory (refer to crc.log) - You probably only want to do this if you are OK will totally blowing away the current install of CodeReady Containers
  • Restart your PC or laptop
  • Invoke the crc setup command
  • Invoke the crc start command


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