Bootstrap FreeKB - IBM Portal - health-check-update
IBM Portal - health-check-update

Updated:   |  IBM Portal articles

The script is used to add, remove and validate entries in the Portal configuration engine. Refer to IBM Portal - Configuring for the steps on how to configure the workplace properties file ( so that can make a connection to Portal.

The health-check-update option is used to generate a report that will indicate whether or not certain things PASS, return a WARNING, or produce an ERROR. You would invoke like this.

  • PortalAdminPwd can be defined in the file so that you don't need to use the -DPortalAdminPwd command line option
  • WasPassword can be defined in the file so that you don't need to use the -DWasPassword command line option
/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/your_profile/ConfigEngine/ health-check-update


If the generation of the report is successful, BUILD SUCCESSFUL should be included at the end of the output. Notice the output includes the location of the log that was created.

isIseries currently set to: null

     [echo] updated RegistrySynchronized in file with value: true

     [echo] Checks are completed.  Review report at /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<your profile>/ConfigEngine/log/HealthCheck-2020-10-29_2200.log for errors.


Here is an example of what could be included in the log file.

>>> Test: Profile maintenance level
PASS: Profile maintenance level matches product: v8.5.0.0 fix CF15.


Here is what a WARNING would look like.

>>> Test: Portal shared directories
WARNING: Extra content has been found in /opt/WebSphere/PortalServer/shared
         Verify these files are not previous IBM APARs or patch code.
         IBM APARs and patch code must be removed before applying the cumulative fix.


Here is what an ERROR would look like.

ERROR: Error creating connection to WebSphere Application Server.
       Application Server must be started for this test.
       If it is running, check these values in
       * WasRemoteHostName =
       * WasSoapPort = 8879


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