Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - List Groups using the oc get groups command
OpenShift - List Groups using the oc get groups command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

Here is a basic illustration of how a user, group or service account get mapped to permissions.


The oc get groups command can be used to list the groups that have been created, and the members of each group.

~]$ oc get groups
NAME                          USERS
my-group-admins               john.doe
my-group-cluster-admins       jane.doe
my-group-cluster-status       jack.doe
my-group-cluster-readers      james.doe jasper.doe
my-group-editors              jackson.doe jordan.doe
my-group-self-provisioners    julie.doe jose.doe
my-group-viewers              josh.doe jeremy.doe


A group is almost always associated with a Role Binding so it might be a good design to have the groups match the Role Bindings.

Group Name Role
my-group-admins admin
my-group-cluster-admins cluster-admin
my-group-cluster-status cluster-status
my-group-cluster-readers cluster-reader
my-group-editors edit
my-group-self-provisioners self-provisioner
my-group-viewers view


The oc describe group can display a bit more information about a group.

~]$ oc describe group my-group-admins
Name:           my-group-admins
Created:        28 seconds ago
Labels:         <none>
Annotations:    <none>
Users:          jane.doe


Or, the oc get groups command with the --output json​ or --output yaml option can be used.

~]$ oc get groups my-group-admins --output json
    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "Group",
    "metadata": {
        "creationTimestamp": "2022-07-26T01:45:24Z",
        "name": "my-group-admins",
        "resourceVersion": "444131094",
        "uid": "db7ece86-9507-45f0-aa17-66c49b51fe97"
    "users": [


The --output jsonpath option can be used to print the value of a specific JSON key

~]$ oc get groups my-group-admins --output jsonpath={.users}


This one liner can be used to list the Cluster Role Bindings that have been mapped to the group. In this example the Cluster Role Binding named "my-role-admins" is mapped to my-group-admins.

~]$ for crb in `oc get clusterrolebindings | awk '{print $1'}`; do echo $crb; oc describe clusterrolebinding $crb | grep -i my_group; done;
  Group  my-group-admins


Then the oc describe clusterrolebinding command can be used to show that Cluster Role Binding my-role-admins has group my-group-admins and role cluster-admin.

~]$ oc describe clusterrolebinding admin
Name:         admin
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  Kind:  ClusterRole
  Name:  admin
  Kind            Name              Namespace
  ----            ----              ---------
  Group           my-group-admins


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