Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Create secured Route using the oc create route command
OpenShift - Create secured Route using the oc create route command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

There are a few different ways to route requests to a pod / service.

An OpenShift route or an Ingress route will provide a URL such as which is used to route a request onto a service, which is then routed onto a pod, and then to the container in the pod, and finally to the application running in the container.


Like this.


The oc expose service command can be used to create an insecured route, whereas the oc create route command is used to create a secured route. The oc create route command can be used to create the following types of routes.

  • edge = The connection is encrypted until it reaches the OpenShift Router. The connection is decrypted (TLS Termination) by the OpenShift Router.
  • passthrough = The connection is encrypted as it moves through OpenShift. The connection is decrypted (TLS Termination) in the pod.
  • reencrypt = The connection is encrypted as it reaches the OpenShift Router. The connection is decrypted (TLS Termination) by the OpenShift Router and then reencrypted with a different public certificate. The connection is then decrypted (TLS Termination) in the pod.


In this example, an edge route named my-route is created.

~]$ oc create route edge my-route --service my-service created


By default, an edge and reencrypt route will use the service CA certificate to secure the connection because the OpenShift Router will have the service CA private key needed to decrypt the connection (TLS Termination). In the openshift-ingress namespace, there should be a secret that contain the certificates used for TLS Termination on the OpenShift Router.

~]$ oc get secrets -n openshift-ingress
NAME                                   TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
router-metrics-certs-default                      2      508d


The following option can be used if you want to create an edge or reencrypt route with some other public certificate and private key. Since a passthrough route is decrypted by the pod, the service CA certificate is not used, which means that a passthrough route cannot be created with some other key pair. The public certificate must be in a PEM encoded file and must not be password protected.

oc create route edge my-route --service my-service --cert foo.pem --key foo.key --dest-ca-cert destca.pem --ca-cert ca.pem


The --insecure-policy option can be used to allow, deny, or redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.

oc create route reencrypt my-route --service my-service --insecure-policy Redirect


I'm not sure why, but I have to label the route to get the route exposed on the default router

oc label route my-route route-type=default


The oc get routes command can then be used the list the routes. In this example, the URL to request the service is

~]$ oc get routes
NAME       HOST/PORT                                         PATH  SERVICES    PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
my-route          my-service  8080-tcp  edge          None


Or, the --hostname option can be used to give the route a specific URL.

oc create route edge my-route --service my-service --hostname


By default, the route will use the service CA certificate to secure the connection. In this scenario, the route will not list the public certificate and private key being used to secure the connection. On the other hand, if the route was created with a specified public certificate and private key, then this one liner can be used to display details for the public certificate.

~]$ oc get route my-route --output jsonpath={.spec.tls.certificate} | openssl x509 -noout -text
        Serial Number:
        Issuer: C=US, ST=California, L=Los Angeles, O=FreeKB, OU=IT,
            Not Before: Sep 29 01:32:47 2022 GMT
            Not After : Sep 29 01:32:47 2023 GMT
        Subject: C=US, ST=California, L=Los Angeles, O=FreeKB, OU=IT,


The default router pod should be in the openshift-ingress project.

~]$ oc get pods --namespace openshift-ingress
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
router-default-f6d44996c-sljgl   1/1     Running   2 (58m ago)   56d


The router pods run an haproxy (high availability proxy) load balancer, which can be seen with the oc exec command.

~]$ oc exec pod/router-default-76c5c89559-dclkw --namespace openshift-ingress -- cat /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config | grep my-route
  server pod:my-pod:my-service:8080-tcp: cookie 15b9071e86b87a2b4b6f976291de96cf weight 256 check inter 5000ms


If the application in the pod is a web based application, you should now be able to interact with the application using the route URL.


Or using curl.

~]# curl
Hello OpenShift!


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