Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Annotate a resource using the oc annotate command
OpenShift - Annotate a resource using the oc annotate command

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

Annotations and Labels are similar, but have important differences.

  • Labels are used by OpenShift/Kubernetes, are limited by RFC 1123 to a maximum of 63 characters, and are used so that resource "a" can select resource "b" via the label. Check out my article on Understanding Labels.
  • Annotations are NOT limited by RFC 1123 to a maximum of 63 characters, and contain metadata about a resource
    • Some annotations are for humans (NOT OpenShift/Kuberneters), to displays some sort of metadata about a resource (e.g. app owner: John Doe)
    • Some annotations are used by OpenShift/Kubernetes (e.g. "2")

The oc annotate command can be used to annotate a resource. For example, as a totally arbitrary example, here is how you could annotate a deployment with key "owner" and value "john.doe".

~]$ oc annotate deployment my-app owner="John Doe"
deployment.apps/my-app annotated


Then the oc get deployment command with the --output yaml option can be used to see that the deployment now has the annotation.

~]$ oc get deployment my-app --output yaml
    owner: John Doe


If you attempt to annotate a resource that already contains the annotation key ("owner" in this example), the following should be returned.

~]$ oc annotate deployment my-app owner="Jane Doe"
error: --overwrite is false but found the following declared annotation(s): 'owner' already has a value (John Doe)


As the output states, --overwrite can be used to update an annotation that already exists.

~]$ oc annotate deployment my-app owner="Jane Doe" --overwrite
deployment.apps/my-app annotated


However, there are some annotations that are not arbitrary. For example, the oc annotate command can be used to update the "" annotation in the self-provisioners Cluster Role Binding from "true" to "false" so that if the OpenShift master nodes are restarted, the self-provisioners Cluster Role Binding will not be updated. This is typically done when updating OpenShift so that authenticated users are not allowed to create new projects.

oc annotate clusterrolebinding self-provisioners --overwrite=true


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