Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Delete Elastic Search indices
OpenShift - Delete Elastic Search indices

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This diagram illustrates the systems that are typically used to parse log data on OpenShift. Fluentd collects the log data from the containers and passes the log data onto Elastic Search. Optionally, Kibana can be used as a tool that may make it easier to visualize the logs.

This is similar to the ELK stack (Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana), but would actually be the EFK stack (Elastic Search, Fluentd, Kibana).


If you are not familiar with the oc command, refer to OpenShift - Getting Started with the oc command.

The es_util command or cURL can be used to do something in an Elastic Search pod. 

The oc get pods command can be used to list the Elastic Search pods in the openshift-logging project.

~]$ oc get pods --namespace openshift-logging
NAME                                            READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-1-6888c6fcb9-frlxz   2/2     Running     0          5d5h
elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-2-6bddf77998-9m28k   2/2     Running     0          5d4h
elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-3-5955f88f5-mm9c2    2/2     Running     0          5d4h
elasticsearch-im-app-28342275-dkg7m             0/1     Completed   0          4m38s
elasticsearch-im-audit-28342275-nldkt           0/1     Completed   0          4m38s
elasticsearch-im-infra-28342275-b624d           0/1     Completed   0          4m38s


The oc exec command can be used to issue the es_util command in the pod. In this example, a query of the indices is executed. This can be helpful in listing indices that are gigabits in size.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-mrpf7eom-3-566bd5f5cb-lkdz9 --container elasticsearch --namespace openshift-logging -- es_util --query=_cat/indices


Or like this, using curl.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-1-6888c6fcb9-frlxz --container elasticsearch --namespace openshift-logging -- curl -tls1.2 --silent --insecure --cert /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-cert --key /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-key --request GET --url https://localhost:9200/_cat/indices


Something like this should be returned.

green  open .kibana_-906638801_johndoe       m21mB4LfTCCl-qjhCSaJeg 1 1        1 0  7.4kb  3.7kb
green  open infra-000302                     x8PjTR4wR5uVRP9fRcVy2w 3 1 42496966 0 53.3gb 26.7gb
green  open .kibana_-905774834_janedoe       eGHPVYcjQ0SvHE8rC07uSw 1 1        2 0 41.8kb 20.9kb
green  open app-000314                       01WN418uS9qfPT0UQoYw8g 3 1  7594357 0 14.1gb    7gb
green  open audit-000060                     5_y1T60uQRCC1TW6WyzTwA 3 1        0 0  1.5kb   783b


The following can be used to view the JSON of an indice.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-mrpf7eom-3-566bd5f5cb-lkdz9 --container elasticsearch -- es_util --query=infra-000302?pretty=true


Or like this, using curl.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-1-6888c6fcb9-frlxz --container elasticsearch --namespace openshift-logging -- curl -tls1.2 --silent --insecure --cert /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-cert --key /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-key --request GET --url https://localhost:9200/infra-007914?pretty=true


The es_util command with the -X DELETE or --request DELETE option can be used to delete an index.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-mrpf7eom-3-566bd5f5cb-lkdz9 --container elasticsearch -- es_util --query=infra-000302 --request DELETE


Or like this, using curl.

oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-11c6ubcb-1-6888c6fcb9-frlxz --container elasticsearch --namespace openshift-logging -- curl -tls1.2 --silent --insecure --cert /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-cert --key /etc/elasticsearch/secret/admin-key --url https://localhost:9200/infra-007914 --request DELETE


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