Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Delete group using REST API
OpenShift - Delete group using REST API

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

This assumes you have used the REST API to obtain an OAuth bearer token. Let's say the bearer token is sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U.

Here is how you would list every group. The oc config view or oc get apiserver commands can be used to display the API Server URL ( in this example).

--request GET
--header "Accept: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U"
--url ""


Or, to GET a specific group.

--request GET
--header "Accept: application/json"
--header "Authorization: Bearer sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U"
--url ""


Something like this should be returned.

      "metadata": {
        "name": "my-group",
        "uid": "613c1af0-bf13-42ec-be5b-f6f0c889fd12",
        "resourceVersion": "1050548501",
        "creationTimestamp": "2022-01-07T16:15:57Z",
        "managedFields": [
            "manager": "python-requests",
            "operation": "Update",
            "apiVersion": "",
            "time": "2022-01-07T16:15:57Z",
            "fieldsType": "FieldsV1",
            "fieldsV1": {
              "f:users": {}
      "users": [


The following DELETE request could then be used to delete the group.


Before deleting a group, you probably should remove the group from any Role Bindings or Cluster Role Bindings the group is listed in.

OpenShift - List Role Bindings using REST API

OpenShift - Update a Role Binding using REST API

curl \
--insecure \
--request DELETE \
--header "Authorization: Bearer sha256~0Rs__hPuXmBD3TJTXNDisC7wRBN-nrFnYTxgdBrFT-U" \


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