Bootstrap FreeKB - Ansible - Run task on specific server using delegate_to
Ansible - Run task on specific server using delegate_to

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By default, most tasks are run on your managed nodes (the target systems) and some are run on the control node (that's your Ansible server).Refer to these articles for a better understanding of how tasks are run against the control node or managed nodes.

delegate_to can be used to run a module on a specific host. In this example, delegate_to is used with the file module to remove a file on locahost.

- hosts: all
  - name: remove foo.txt on control node
      module: file
      path: /tmp/foo.txt
      state: absent
      delegate_to: localhost


In this example, delegate_to is used to run the task on

- hosts: all
  - name: remove foo.txt on control node
      module: file
      path: /tmp/foo.txt
      state: absent


Often, the run_once parameter is used so that the task is only ran one time on the control node.

- hosts: all
  - name: remove foo.txt on control node
      module: file
      path: /tmp/foo.txt
      state: absent
      delegate_to: localhost
      run_once: true


Running this task should produce the following.

TASK [remove foo.txt on control node] 
changed: [ -> localhost]


Let's say you have two hosts in your default hosts file or your own inventory file.



And you want to pass a variable from server1 to server2. For example, let's say /tmp/example.txt on server1 contains "Hello World".

In this example, the shell module is used to read /tmp/example.txt on server1 and the register parameter is store Hello World in the out variable. The set_fact module is then used to create a variable named greeting and delegate_to and delegate_facts are used set the greeting variable as a fact on server2. The debug module is then used to see that the greeting variable has been set on server2.

- hosts: all
  - shell: cat /tmp/example.txt
    register: out
    when: inventory_hostname == ''

  - set_fact:
      greeting: "{{ out.stdout }}"
    delegate_facts: true

  - debug:
      var: greeting
    when: inventory_hostname == ''


Running this playbook should produce the following.

TASK [shell]
changed: []
skipping: []

TASK [docker : set_fact] 
ok: [ ->]
skipping: []

TASK [docker : debug]
skipping: []
ok: [] => {
    "greeting": "Hello World"


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