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IBM IHS Web Server - Install using Installation Manager imcl install command

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The Installation Manager command line tool (imcl) has two different commands that can be used to install a product.

  • install
  • input

When using the install command, all of the parameters must be used on the command line. When using the input command, most of the parameters are put in an XML file and then the XML file is used on the command line. This article describes the installation procedure using the install command. Refer to this article to use the input command.



If you have not installed IBM Installation Manager, install IBM Installation Manager


-prompt vs. -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile

When installing or updating an IBM product, you will need to provide your IBM username and password. One way to provide your username and password is by using the -prompt, which will prompt you to provide your username and password. Another option is to storage your username in a secure storage file and to storage your password in a master password file, and to then using the -secureStorageFile and -masterPasswordFile options on the command line.


IBM repository vs. local repository

One of the command line options is -repositories. There are two types of repositories. One is known as an "IBM service repostiory" and the other is known as a "local repository". An IBM service repository is an HTTP URL that contains the installation files for a product, such as A local repository is where you download the installation files from Fix Central or using the Packaging Utility.

If you are going to be performing the install using an IBM service repository, use the listAvailablePackages command to list the available packages in the service repository.


Perform the install

If installing from an IBM service repository, ensure the -repositories option is followed by the URL to the IBM service repository, like this.



If installing from a local repository, ensure the -repositories option is followed by the location of the installation files on your server, like this:

-repositories /tmp/ihs


Here is an example of a full install command to perform the install from an IBM service repository.

-installationDirectory /opt/IBM/IHS
-sharedResourcesDirectory /opt/IBM/IMShared
-showProgress or -showVerboseProgress
-prompt or -secureStorageFile /path/to/secure_storage.txt and -masterPasswordFile /path/to/master_password.txt


Post installation

The ihs_installation_directory/logs/postinstall/postinstall.log file can be reviewed to ensure the installation was successful.

The listInstalledPackages command can be used to list installed packages.

The utility can be used to verify that IHS was successfully installed.

. . .
Installed Product
Name              IBM HTTP Server for WebSphere Application Server
ID                IHS
. . .


Starting the web server

The apachectl command can be used to start the web server.


Starting the admin server

If you want to use the admin server, you will first need to configure the admin.conf file and then you can use the adminctl command to start the admin server.


Proxy Pass

IBMs IHS web server does not include the modules needed to Proxy Pass requests onto a back end, such as JBoss, Tomcat or WebSphere application server. If you want to be able to Proxy Pass requests onto a back end, check out my article Load Balance Proxy Pass.


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