Bootstrap FreeKB - Amazon Web Services (AWS) - List Caller Identity using the AWS CLI
Amazon Web Services (AWS) - List Caller Identity using the AWS CLI

This assumes you have already configured the aws command line tool. If not, check out my article on Getting Started with the AWS CLI.

The aws sts get-caller-identity command can be used to return the User ID, Account Number, and Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the user issing a command using the AWS CLI.

~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AIDA2MITL76GLUA6B2DRP",
    "Account": "123456789012",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johndoe"


By default, the default profile in your AWS credentials file will be used.

~]$ cat /home/john.doe/.aws/credentials 
aws_secret_access_key = Xw3kZVaxTfvDKBMGf6R79Unf5LG4kdf9piuHfhn13
aws_access_key_id = 34VGB4HYOC2ABCO67BKD


Let's say you have two or more profiles in your AWS credentials file.

~]$ cat /home/john.doe/.aws/credentials 
aws_secret_access_key = Xw3kZVaxTfvDKBMGf6R79Unf5LG4kdf9piuHfhn13
aws_access_key_id = 34VGB4HYOC2ABCO67BKD
aws_secret_access_key = ABCDEFG123456789ABCDEFG123456789ABCDEFG12
aws_access_key_id = 123456789ABCDEFG1234


The --profile option can be used to used a certain profile in your AWS credentials file.

~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity --profile janedoe
    "UserId": "ZCD152GB835DBD568ABD182",
    "Account": "123456789012",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/janedoe"


It is also noteworthy that instead of a user or role being returned, you may see assumed-role.

~]$ aws sts get-caller-identity --profile jackdoe
    "UserId": "AROAXMKSNBAOZOTCVGUFK:jackdoe",
    "Account": "123456789012",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/admin-role/jackdoe"


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