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IBM MQ articles

Authentication and Permissions Find user and group principal using the dmpmqaut command (dump) Grant permissions using the setmqaut command Show authentication information using the display authinfo command Show permissions using the dspmqaut command Channel Allow connections to a channel using the set chlauth command Create channel using the define channel command Delete channel authority using the set chlauth command Delete channel using the delete channel command Show allowed connections to a channel using the display chlauth command Show channel config using the display channel command Show channel status using the display chstatus command Start channel using the start channel command Stop channel using the stop channel command Understanding amqrmppa (channel pooling process) Update channel using the alter channel command Clustering Clustering queue managers Connnections Display connections to a queue manager Display number of connections to a queue manager Stop a connection Getting Started Getting Started with IBM MQ Install define installation name (crtmqinst command / mqinst.ini) Define the primary installation using the setmqinst command Delete installation name (dltmqinst command / mqinst.ini) Display installations using the dspmqinst command Install Fix Packs Install MQ client Install MQ Explorer in Eclipse Install MQ server on Linux command Java Eclipse Connect to IBM MQ in Java Eclipse using JMS and WMQConstants Connect to IBM MQ in Java Eclipse using MQQueueManager and MQConstants Connect to IBM MQ in Java using WebSphere JNDI lookup LDAP LDAP Listener Create listener using the define listener command Show listener status using the display lsstatus command Show listeners using the display listener command Stop listener using the endmqlsr command Logs Error Logs Message Copy message to another queue using the dmpmqmsg command Copy messages on a queue to a file using the dmpmqmsg command Display messages in a queue using the amqsbcg command GET a JMS message from an IBM MQ queue in Java Purge messages in a queue using clear queue Purge messages in a queue using the amqsget command PUT a JMS message in an IBM MQ queue in Java PUT a JMS message in an IBM MQ queue in Java Eclipse - JNDI lookup PUT a message on a queue using amqsput command Messages Copy message to another queue using the dmpmqmsg command PUT message on a remote queue using amqsput command None Display MQ installation directory using dspmqinst command Queue Create local queue using the define qlocal command Create remote queue Create remote queue using the define qremote command Delete queue using the delete qlocal qremote qalias commands Reprocess messages in SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE using the runmqdlq command Show local queue config using the display qlocal command Show queue config using the display queue command Show queue status using the display qstatus command Show remote queue config using the display qremote command SYSTEM.ADMIN.QMGR.EVENT SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE Update local queue using the alter qlocal command Update remote queue using the alter qremote command Queue Manager Create queue manager using the crtmqm command Display queue manager using the dspmq command Show queue manager config using the display queue manager command Show queue manager status using the display qmstatus command Update queue manager using the alter qmgr command runmqsc command Getting Started with the runmqsc command SSL Getting Started with SSL Start Stop Restart Start queue manager using the strmqm command Stop queue manager using the endmqm command Topic Delete topic using the delete topic command Disable a topic Show subscriptions using the display subscription command Show topic config using the display topic command Show topic status using the display tpstatus command Update topic using the alter topic command Tracing Disable tracing using the endmqtrc command Enable tracing using the strmqtrc command Transactions Display transactions using the dspmqtrn command Troubleshooting High CPU on Linux Resolve "AMQ5530E Error from LDAP authentication and authorization service" Resolve "AMQ5540E Application did not supply a user ID and password" Resolve "AMQ8077W Entity has insufficient authority to access object" Resolve "AMQ8148E IBM MQ object in use" when attempting to delete a queue Resolve "AMQ9511E Messages cannot be put to a queue The attempt to put messages to queue on queue manager failed with reason code 2009" Resolve "AMQ9513E Maximum number of channels reached" Resolve "AMQ9557E Queue Manager User ID initialization failed" Resolve "AMQ9665E SSL connection closed by remote end of channel" Resolve "AMQ9771 SSL handshake failed" Resolve "AMQ9777E Channel was blocked" Resolve "CipherSpec error for channel" Resolve "JMSWMQ0018 Failed to connect to queue manager" Resolve "JMSWMQ2013 The security authentication was not valid" Resolve "MQCC_FAILED MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED" Resolve "MQRC_BACKED_OUT" Resolve "MQRC_HOST_NOT_AVAILABLE" Resolve "MQRC_OPTION_NOT_VALID_FOR_TYPE" Resolve "MQRC_PUBLICATION_FAILURE" Resolve "MQRC_Q_MGR_NOT_AVAILABLE" Resolve "MQRC_SECURITY_ERROR" Resolve "Queue Manager Running elsewhere" Resolve "Reason 2400 MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE Version Display MQ version using the dspmqver command