Bootstrap FreeKB - OpenShift - Resolve "You are not a member of any projects"
OpenShift - Resolve "You are not a member of any projects"

Updated:   |  OpenShift articles

Let's say "You are not a member of any projects" when issues the oc project command.

~]$ oc project default
error: You are not a member of project "default".
You are not a member of any projects. You can request a project to be created with the 'new-project' command.


To resolve this, you'll probably need to use the oc logout command and then use the oc login command to log in as a user that has the admin or cluster-admin role. Check out my article List Role Bindings for a better understanding of roles.

  • admin - Can view and modify any resource in a project/namespace except for quota
  • cluster-admin - full control
~]$ oc logout
Logged "john.doe" out on ""

~]$ oc login -u kubeadmin


As a user with the admin or cluster-admin role, you'll want to use the oc get groups command to determine if the user (john.doe in this example) is a member of any groups.

~]$ oc get groups
NAME          USERS
foo_group     john.doe
bar_group     jane.doe jack.doe


Role Bindings, or Role Based Access Control (RBAC), contain the mapping of user, group, or service account to a role.

  • Cluster Role Bindings gives a user, group or service account a certain role for every project/namespace
  • Role Bindings gives a user, group or service account a certain role for a specific project/namespace

The following roles can be used, and the user, group or service account must be mapped to the admin, edit or view role to be able to access projects.

  • admin - Can view and modify any resource in a project/namespace except for quota
  • basic-user - can view, but cannot edit or modify
  • cluster-admin - full control
  • cluster-status - view basic cluster status information
  • cluster-reader - can view, but cannot edit or modify
  • edit - can edit, but cannot view
  • self-provisioner - user can create their own projects
  • view - can view, but cannot edit or modify

The oc get clusterrolebindings command can be used to list the Cluster Role Bindings.

~]$ oc get clusterrolebinding
NAME               ROLE                      AGE
my-admins          ClusterRole/admin         157s
my-basic-users     ClusterRole/basic-user    106s
my-view-only       ClusterRole/view          205s


The oc describe clusterrolebinding command can be used to display more details for a specific cluster role binding. If the user (john.doe in this example) or the group (my_group in this example) is not listed, this can cause "You are not a member of any projects" to be returned.

~]$ oc describe clusterrolebinding my-basic-users
Name:         my-basic-users
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  Kind:  ClusterRole
  Name:  basic-user
  Kind   Name      Namespace
  ----   ----      ---------
  Group  my_group


In this scenario, the oc create clusterrolebinding command could be used to map a user or group to a role.

~]$ oc create clusterrolebinding my-view-only --clusterrole view --group my_group created


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